
Showing posts from May, 2023


 THE NOISY SILENCE NATION  A silent noisy Nation has enveloped her citizens, hope seems to be lost. The greedy are rejoicing, while the honest are watching as mysteries shall be unfolded soonest There used to be a Nation that chose to destroy her future. A wealthy Nation with poor citizens A Nation that sold her reasoning faculty, yet invest in borrowing another person's reasoning faculty from another Nation. A Nation that willfully enslaves herself A Nation that glories and promotes injustice, while justice is demoted and buried. Please, God, come to our aid What is the hope of a common man in a Nation that has no value for life? Our children are crying, weeping, and dying of starvation, yet their greedy high-class parents are feasting. What a Nation! The Nation is bleeding and crying for justice How many people has the Nation carelessly lost into the hands of cold death, while the greedy leaders feast on their blood The blood of her innocent dead citizens is crying for venge...


 Monday, May 29, 2023. MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (MEMORIAL) First Reading. Genesis 3: 9-15, 20 Psalm 87: 1-2, 3 and 5, 6-7 Gospel. John 19:25-34 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  WHY IS MARY CALLED MOTHER OF THE CHURCH? HISTORICAL BACKGROUND  In the Roman Catholic Church, there is a study called Mariology. It means the study of Mary. However, the title Mother of the Church in Latin is called Mater Ecclesiae. This title was officially given to Mary by Pope Paul VI on November 21, 1964, after the Second Vatican Council’s third session. Although the title was first used for Mary in the 4th century by Saint Ambrose of Milan, later, it was also used by  Pope Benedict XIV in 1748 and later by Pope Leo XIII in 1885. It was Pope John Paul II who added it to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, while Pope Francis added it to the Roman Missal Calendar to be celebrated as a memorial by the title "Mother of the Church" every Monday of the year which follows Pentecost Sunday. Therefore, it ...


Sunday, May 28, 2023. Pentecost Sunday First reading. Acts 2:1-11 Psalm 104:1,24,29-31,34 Second reading. 1 Corinthians 12: 3-7, 12-13 Gospel. John 20: 19-23 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION THE CATHOLIC CHURCH SPEAKS IN TONGUES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT TO BUILD THE BODY OF JESUS CHRIST My dear, the Catholic Church speaks in tongues every second and minute of her life. Hence anyone who is a member of the mystical body of Christ is expected to possess the following fruits of the Holy Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There can be no law against things like that, of course. You cannot belong to Christ Jesus unless you crucify all self-indulgent passions and desires. Since the Spirit is our life, let us be directed by the Spirit. These are of the Holy Spirit which builds the mystical body of Jesus Christ. These fruits of the Holy Spirit are what show that the gift of the Holy Spirit received was not a waste, it was used to glorify the...


Saturday, May 27, 2023 ST AUGUSTINE OF CANTERBURY, BP, (Opt. Mem.) First Reading. Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31 Psalm. 11: 4, 5 and 7 (R. 7b) Gospel. John 21: 20-25 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION WHERE IS IT IN THE BIBLE? Can a constitution be greater than a country? Can a company's constitution be greater than the company's? Can a society's constitution be greater than the society's? Can your family history book be greater than your family? In fact, are they not people who already existed in a country, company, or society, who wrote the constitution? In that case, can you boldly say whatever is not in the Constitution does not exist? Was not that the reason constitutions are being updated regularly? Now, if we all can not dispute the above facts, why is it that Christians will be claiming that whatever is not written in the Bible is not genuine? Why will a Christian say the Church is based on Bible alone, was the Church not existing before the collation of the book called the Bible? Do ...


 Friday, May 26, 2023 ST PHILIP NERI. P. MEMORIAL First Reading. Acts 25: 13b-21 Psalm. 103: 1-2,11-12,19-20 (R. 19a) Gospel. John 21: 15-19 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION JESUS IS ASKING YOU: DO YOU LOVE ME? Jesus in today's Gospel is asking, do you love me? He asked Peter three times, do you love me? Peter answered him the same three times that he loves Him (Jesus) Today, Jesus is asking if you love Him. My dear, there are no two ways about the answer, if you truly claim to love Jesus, but do not love your fellow human being, then you do not love Jesus. How can you claim to love a person you did not see, while you did not love and appreciate the person you see? So today, Jesus is asking you,  DO YOU LOVE ME? Peace ✌️ be with you. Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.


 Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Weekday of Easter (7) First Reading. Acts 20: 28-38 Psalm. 68: 33-36 (R. cf. 33a) Gospel. John 17: 11b -19 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION DO NOT MISLEAD OTHERS. Jesus prayed we should become one So my dear, if you chose to leave the church, please leave quietly and don't drag others with you.  Read what Jesus said about people like you and how St. Paul describes people like you. Hmmm... Some of us are very much proud of telling people how many years we have been Christians. Some might even claim they have become born again for more than 100 years. To the Catholics, some will tell the sweet memory story of how Pope Kettle was elected, how Bishop Pot was consecrated, and how Rev. Fr. Egg was ordained along with Fr. Bread. They tell you they are not a small child in Catholicism, but sad enough, those who tell these stories may have questionable moral characters. The question is, in all these stories being told, what impact has the word of God done in their lives? I...


 Tuesday, May 23, 2023 Weekday of Easter (7) Office: Psalter Week 3 First Reading. Acts 20: 17-27 Psalm. 68: 10-11, 20-21 (R. see 33a) Gospel. John 17: 1-11 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION TO LIVE A GOOD LIFE IS TO ACCOMPLISH GOD'S MISSION ON EARTH. Jesus in today's Gospel said to the Father, I have accomplished my mission on earth, glorify yourself in me, so that I may be glorified in you. In His farewell speech, He prayed for all of us who are His followers. Though He left the world in human form to join His Father in heaven, still He remains with us as promised. Similarly, St. Paul also gave a farewell speech in today's first reading, reminding the people how he suffered by preaching the good news, how he endured suffering,  and how he lived by example. So, my dear, do the good you can do to people. Anywhere you find yourself, your mission is to live a good life, once you live a good life among wicked people who live in the world, then you can say boldly with courage that you have ...


 Monday, May 22, 2023 RITA OF CASCIA, RELIGIOUS Weekday of Easter (7) First Reading. Acts 19: 1-8 Psalm. 68: 2-7 (R. sec 33a) Gospel. John 16:29-33) TOPIC FOR REFLECTION OUR PEACE IS IN CHRIST JESUS Hellooooo... My precious sweetheart. Wait, hope you are not angry I call you my sweetheart. 😆  Well, please, do not be, because I love you with my whole heart. You are very special to me and I pray that our love for each other shall continue to glow in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. My dear, the love, joy, and happiness we share should be rooted in the heart and mind of our Lord Jesus Christ. Do you know that we can share our love because our peace is in Christ? If we are inside Christ, certainly we are saved. So, I fell in love with you because of our peaceful co-existence, and Christ being the root pillar of our lives, in Him is our peace. The disciples express their joy that Jesus was no longer speaking to them in parables but in plain words. The whole message became clear...


 Sunday, May 21, 2023 7th Sunday of Easter First Reading. Acts 1: 12-14 Psalm. 27: 1, 4, 7-8a (R. 13) Second Reading. 1 Peter 4: 13-16 Gospel. John 17: 1-11 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION JESUS' PRAYER FOR HIS SUFFERING CHILDREN IN THE WORLD.    The intricacies of life: Life is a duo, in two folds 1. God and Human 2. Heaven and Earth 3. Man and Woman (boy and girl) 4. Good and Evil 5. Enjoyment and Suffering The question is, if all that God created is good for Enjoyment, how did suffering come into existence? Did God create suffering? Did God make suffering part of human existence? Did God create humanity to suffer? On another note, Is suffering part of God's divine plan? Is suffering a way of life? Is suffering evil in itself? Is suffering the gateway to paradise or damnation? Hmm, my dear, we do not need a prophet to tell us that suffering is real. No one can deny its existence, all we need is how to cope with it. However, in my reflection, I am happy ...


 Saturday, May 20, 2023. Weekday of Easter (6)  First Reading. Acts 18: 23-28 Psalm. 47: 2-3, 8-10 (R. 8a) Gospel. John 16: 23-28 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  NOBODY CAN LOVE YOU AS GOD LOVES YOU Jesus said:  “Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father, He will give it to you in my name.  ***We are lucky because Jesus assured us that our Father in Heaven will not refuse whatever we ask in His name. Please, I plead with us not to lose faith and focus. The voice of prayer is never silent. All we need is to be patient and let our faith in Him be solidly firm and strong. Jesus said: Until now you have asked nothing in my name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.  ***With the statement of Jesus above saying we have not asked anything in His name. Hmm, does it mean Jesus is telling us that all our prayers did not get to the throne of God or what? Surprisingly, such statements could come from Jesus. However, we should remember that th...


 Thursday, May 18, 2023 THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD (SOLEMNITY) HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION First Reading. Acts 1: 1-11 Psalm 47: 2-3, 6-9 Second reading. Ephesians 1: 17-23 Gospel. John 28: 16-20 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION LET US ASCEND WITH JESUS  Hello and happy Solemnity of Ascension. I hope we are getting ready to ascend with the Lord.  If not, please let us make an effort to, because the beauty of our religion is to ascend with our master and Lord Jesus Christ at the end of our stay here on earth.  Meanwhile, let us look into some historical facts.  WHICH RELIGION BELIEVES IN THE RESURRECTION? It may interest you to know that among all the religions in the world, it is only Christianity, Judaism, and Islam that talked and believes in life after death. So, for the followers of these faiths, life after death has been promised by God. Invariably, any religion that does not believe in life after death simply does not believe in Resurrection. WHO CELEBRATES ASCENSION? The C...


Wednesday, May 17, 2023 Weekday of Easter (6) First Reading. Acts 17: 15, 22-18: 1 Psalm.  148: 1-2, 11-14 Gospel. John 16: 12-15 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION THE TRINITY SPEAKS ONE VOICE. In the whole Gospel, Jesus would often say some of the following among many 1. I and my Father are one. Cf. John 10: 30 2. To have seen me, is to have seen the Father. Cf. John 14: 9 3. I do not act on my own accord, but only on what my Father did. Cf. John 5:19 4. The word I speak is of my Fath er and not mine. Cf. John 12: 49 5. All that the Father has is mine. Cf. John 16: 15 As we can see, Jesus did not act on His own accord and never say anything outside the mission and purpose for which He was sent. Jesus presented God to the universe, He never assume the glory of the Father to himself, it's a lesson for us to learn. Jesus said to his disciples, “1 have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; fo...


Tuesday, May 16, 2023 Weekday of Easter (6) First Reading. Acts 16: 22-34 Psalm.  138: 1-3. 7-8 (see 7c) Gospel. John 16: 5- 11 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED: SOMETHING HAPPENED. How will you feel, if your child walk up to you and request his school fees, and was not pat ient wit h your promise of providing the money, but later went to your neighbor to make the same request? If you later discovered what your child did, how will you feel? Will you not feel embarrassed and disgraced? The fact that he brought that shame to you is enough decision not to give him the school fees again. My dear, if you could react in that manner, how do you think God will feel after praying to him, and you later express doubt and decides to go to another person (god) lesser than God for solution to your problem? How do think God will feel? So, if you felt embarrassed that your child went to your neighbor to request for school fees, when you have not said you will not give, then let...


Monday, May 15, 2023 Weekday of Easter (6) First Reading. Acts 16: 11-15 Psalm. 149: 1-6a and 9bc (R. 4a) Gospel. John 15: 26-16: 4 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION STOP KILLING PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF GOD Do you know that whatever you do to anybody, it is Jesus you do it too? Therefore... ***If you love your neighbor, you love Jesus ***If you hate your neighbor, you hate Jesus. Jesus said: the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. ***If you kill anybody, you kill Jesus. Cf Acts 9: 4-5. ***If you help anybody, you help Jesus. Cf. Matt. 25: 40, 45 I guess It may interest you to know that there are many ways of killing people. The most common one is the physical killing either by gun, knife, bomb, etc. However, what about those who cla imed to be fellow Christians, and would use the name of God to kill their fellow brothers and sisters psychologically by slandering, backbiting, gossiping, etc?   All such attitudes destroy the temple of...


  Sunday, May 14, 2023 6TH SUNDAY OF EASTER First Reading. Acts 8: 5-8, 14-17 Psalm. Ps 66: 1-7, 16 and 20 (R.1) Second Reading. 1 Peter 3: 15-18 Gospel. John 14: 15-21 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL CONSOLE YOU IN YOUR SUFFERING WHEN HE COMES. Suffering! Suffering!! Suffering!!! How many times did I call you? Wait a minute, I have some questions for you. How did you come into existence? Is it God who created you, or you existed by chance? Do you know how stubborn and obstinate you are? What is actually your function in the life of humanity? What has been your positive impact on their lives? Well, Mr suffering, my observation about you is that, you allow yourself to be used as a tool of destruction, to destroy humanity. In fact, I am tempted to say it seems you work hand-in-hand with the devil, to create pain and discouragement for good people who want to serve God. Now, my ultimate question is, why do you allow yourself to be used as a tool to des...


Saturday, May 13, 2023 OUR LADY OF FATIMA (Opt. Mem) First Reading. Acts 16: 1-10 Psalm.  100: 1-5 (R. 1) Gospel. John 15: 18-21 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION OUR LADY OF FATIMA  The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children in 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, on the 13th day of the month from May to October. The final apparition on October 13th concluded with the spectacular “Miracle of the Sun” and was witnessed by over 70,000 people. Although many Catholics have heard of Our Lady of Fatima, most do not know the incredible story in its entirety or its crucial importance in world history, the life of the Church, and our eternal salvation. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Throughout the Old Testament, God in His great mercy, chose prophets to call His people back to Himself. In recent times God is sending His Mother. So, One of the apparitions of the Mother of God in this century took place in 1917 at Fatima, a little village in Portugal. Our Lady came there to warn us of the har...


Friday, May 12, 2023 SAINT NEREUS AND ACHILLEUS OR SAINT PANCRAS, Martyr (Opt. Mem.) F irst Reading. Acts 15: 22-31 Psalm 57: 8-12 (R. 10a) Gospel. John 15: 12-17 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION CAN WE LOVE LIKE JESUS? My dear, the word L O V E practically means many things to many people. It means different things to different people. Our experiences of Love from our different backgrounds determine how we perceive LOVE. Naturally, to some people, LOVE is sweet like honey, while to some LOVE it is bitter. Meanwhile, today, let us play with words contextualizing the ABC of LOVE as it may apply to the individual Chose from the under listed, which applies to you.                                 A-H To some LOVE is Amazing, while to some it is Annoying To some LOVE is like Bread and Butter, while to some it is like Beast and Betrayal ...


 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Weekday of Easter (5)  First Reading. Acts 15: 7-21 Psalm. 96: 1-3, 10 (R. see 3) Gospel. John 15: 9-11 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  THE LOVE OF JESUS  The fulfillment of God's commandment is Love. God loves us, and we must love Him in return.  However, how can we love the God we have not seen?  Well, the only way we can love God whom we have not seen is to love the small gods He created (human beings). In His image and likeness, He created man. Cf. Gen 2: 7  Do you not know that they are little gods? Cf. John 10: 34  If the attributes of God is love, and Jesus is the love of the Father Then the attributes of the little gods should be love.  Invariably, we are expected to be seen as Love, since our creator is the fullness of Love in His Son,  Jesus Christ.  Jesus said, if you love me, you will keep my commandments, and His commandment is LOVE.  Therefore, it is when we become Love, that we can love perfectly, a...


Wednesday, May 10, 2023 Weekday of Easter (5) ST JOHN OF AVILA, P.D (Opt. Mem.) First Reading.  Acts 15: 1-6 Psalm. 122: 1-5 (R. see 1) Gospel. John 15: 1-8 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION YOUR DIFFICULTIES ARE PERIODS OF PRUNING BY THE LORD. A good farmer must prune his crops to harvest good fruits, but any farmer who refuses to prune his crops will never harvest good fruits. Jesus is the vine, and God is the vinedresser, while we are the branches of Jesus who is the Vine. Jesus, who is the vine, whom God allowed to be pruned through suffering for our sake, to save us from our sins. Though, Jesus did not need to be pruned through suffering, for our sake, and taught us by example that as His followers, we shall be persecuted; like He told us in John 16:33 saying... "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Therefore,  my dear... If you are undergoing difficult situations...


 Tuesday, May 9, 2023 Weekday of Easter (5) First Reading. Acts 14: 19-28 Psalm. 145: 10-13, 21 (R. see 12a) Gospel. John 14: 27-31 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  THE OBEDIENCE OF JESUS TO THE FATHER.  Jesus said: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  *** Jesus left His peace with us, are we truly in peace with one another?  If Jesus gave us his peace, as His followers, we ought to give the same peace to one another.  Instead, Christians are the ones denying themselves peace.  The questions are...  1. If Jesus the prince of peace, left us with His peace, why is it difficult for people to find the same peace among we His followers? 2. Why are we, troublemakers?  3. Why are we fighting, destroying, and slandering one another, just for the gain of material wealth that cannot give peace?  4. Why do Christians take pleasure in plotting evil against fellow Christians? etc.  Jesus said: Let not y...


 Friday, May 5, 2023 Office: Psalter Week 4 First Reading. Acts 13: 26-33 Psalm. 2: 6-12a (R. 7bc) Gospel. John 14: 1-6 TOPICS FOR REFLECTION  FEAR NOT: JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE.  DO NOT BE A SLAVE TO YOUR FEAR  Do you know why we are always afraid?  Well, here are some of the reasons:  1. To look down on oneself is the beginning of fear.  2. The fear of not wanting to fail, is fear  3. The unknown future is fear  4. Lack of courage is fear  5. Loss of confidence in God is fear We could go on listing them, but before I  continue...  My dear, do you know how much I LOVE YOU? Please can you smile for me?  It has been a long time since I saw a smile on your face. I must be candid, your smile is an assured hope for me.  Okay, am waiting.....  Smile now, 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆  Thank you, I can see your beautiful smile.  I tell you, you look pretty when you smile.  Anyway,  as you are smil...


Thursday, May 4, 2023 4th Week of Easter First Reading. Acts 13: 13-25 Psalm. 89: 2-3, 21-22, 25 and 27 (R. 2a) Gospel. John 13: 16-20 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION A HUMBLE PERSON ACCEPTS JESUS, WHILE A PROUD PERSON REJECTS JESUS. Hmm, can you imagine if you are a good and gentle person, but your child, a notorious criminal, how will you feel? Will you not feel sad that your child did not take after you? If you and your wife or hubby are good and humble persons, but your children are bad and proud individuals, how will you feel? Will you be proud of those your children? Now, apply the above scenarios to your relationship with Jesus, I guess the answer should be peculiar to you and not generic. Do you know that in heaven, there are no high, middle, or low classes? All of those classes exist here on Earth. Therefore, your status in life does not determine your friendship with Jesus, but what determines your friendship with Jesus is your character, attitude, and behavior. A true frien...


 Wednesday, May 3, 2023 SS PHILIP AND JAMES, AP. (FEAST) First Reading. 1 Corinthians 15: 1-8 Psalm. 19: 2-5 (R. 5a) Gospel. John 14: 6-14 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION SAINTS PHILIP AND JAMES In our today's reflection, let us gather ourselves into a mini online theological class of EXEGESIS. Exegesis simply means a critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially a religious text like the Bible. I want us to examine who is Philip and who is James in the Bible. Meanwhile, let us begin with the 12 Apostles. Below are the names of the 12 Disciples of Christ according to Matthew 10:2-4. 1. First, Simon, who is called Peter, 2. and Andrew his brother; 3. James the son of Zebedee, 4. and John his brother; 5. Philip and 6. Bartholomew; 7. Thomas and 8. Matthew the tax collector; 9. James the son of Alphaeus, and 10. Thaddaeus; 11. Simon the Zealot, and 12. Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him. From the list above, we could see that there are two people called James among the Apostles. ***...