Monday, May 15, 2023
Weekday of Easter (6)
First Reading. Acts 16: 11-15
Psalm. 149: 1-6a and 9bc (R. 4a)
Gospel. John 15: 26-16: 4
Do you know that whatever you do to anybody, it is Jesus you do it too?
***If you love your neighbor, you love Jesus
***If you hate your neighbor, you hate Jesus.
Jesus said: the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.
***If you kill anybody, you kill Jesus. Cf Acts 9: 4-5.
***If you help anybody, you help Jesus. Cf. Matt. 25: 40, 45
I guess It may interest you to know that there are many ways of killing people.
The most common one is the physical killing either by gun, knife, bomb, etc.
However, what about those who claimed to be fellow Christians, and would use the name of God to kill their fellow brothers and sisters psychologically by slandering, backbiting, gossiping, etc?
All such attitudes destroy the temple of God which belongs to the Holy Spirit
Likewise, in our world today, some religious sects feel they need to persecute Christians in other to prove to God that they are defending Him.
The fact is that those who either kill psychologically or physically, do not know the God they profess.
Every Christian are friend and family of Jesus
Although, some may be Christians, but not friends or families of Jesus because it is only a true friend that will do everything possible to preserve the image of God in the lives of His friends and families.
Jesus talked about those who kill that they will do this because they have not known the Father, nor me (Jesus). But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them.”
Therefore, as Christians, our ways of life should give room to accommodate the Holy Spirit when it comes.
Jesus said: “When the Counsellor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me; and you also are witnesses because you have been with me from the beginning. I have said all this to you to keep you from falling away.
In summary, we can only be good witnesses of Jesus only through the Holy Spirit and by our ways of living.
So, we should stop killing people either physically or psychologically
Peace ✌️ be with you
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.