Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Weekday of Easter (6)
First Reading. Acts 16: 22-34
Psalm. 138: 1-3. 7-8 (see 7c)
Gospel. John 16: 5- 11
How will you feel, if your child walk up to you and request his school fees, and was not patient with your promise of providing the money, but later went to your neighbor to make the same request?
If you later discovered what your child did, how will you feel? Will you not feel embarrassed and disgraced?
The fact that he brought that shame to you is enough decision not to give him the school fees again.
My dear, if you could react in that manner, how do you think God will feel after praying to him, and you later express doubt and decides to go to another person (god) lesser than God for solution to your problem? How do think God will feel?
So, if you felt embarrassed that your child went to your neighbor to request for school fees, when you have not said you will not give, then let it be known to you also that God will feel the same thing
My dear, Prayer is very good and important in the life of Christians. Prayer as we know is a communication between man and God.
Anybody who refuses to pray does willingly cut off communication with God. Hence, such a person decides to move away from Him, even if He does not move away from His children.
Please, kindly note that God can not, and will not abandon or forget any of us. He said in the prophecy of Isaiah that even if your mother forgets you, I, the Lord will not. Cf. Isaiah 49: 15
The major problem is that we often pray without faith. If we pray without faith, it means the content of the prayer is empty.
Paul and Silas in today's first reading were bounded by a chain inside a prison, they trusted God whom they were working for that He will not disappoint them, they pray and sing to Him, and the prison-chained gates were miraculously opened.
My dear, the simple message is that, in your situation, just abandoned everything into God's hand, if you can remove your mind from it and do not allow it to worry you, that is when you will see God at work.
God wants us to abandon all into his hand as we make an effort to do our part.
In today's Gospel, Jesus said: “Now I am going to Him (God) who sent me; I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counsellor (Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.
It is the same Holy Spirit who assisted Paul and Silas in prison to pray with faith. Therefore, we should allow the Holy Spirit of God to enable us to pray and build a strong faith in God.
Always remember that God's time never expires. Patience with confidence in Him is the password key.
Peace ✌️ be with you
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.