Monday, May 1, 2023 ST JOSEPH THE WORKER SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR ALL WORKERS In the name of the + Father, Son, and Holy Spirit + As we celebrate St. Joseph the worker today, may you also be celebrated with the work of your hand. May your places of work and businesses become channels of blessings to you and your family. Therefore... May the good Lord bless and keep you May He bless you and your family May He bless the work of your hand May your business become a blessing May your work make you wealthy Whatever work or business you lay your hand upon shall prosper As St. Joseph use to proceed from his carpentry work to cater for his family, so shall the good Lord make your little earning to be sufficient to cater for you and your family in Jesus' name. As a worker..... You will not go into bankruptcy You will not go begging You will never be put to shame You will continue to be the head and not the tail of your family No evil shall wreck your work or bu...