Tuesday, April 18, 2023
2nd Week of Easter
First Reading. Acts 4: 32-37
Psalm. 93: 1-2, 5 (R. 1a)
Gospel. John 3: 7-15

Therefore, to be born again is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and act according to the Spirit which one receives.
Jesus told Nicodemus, "One can only bear witness to what he knows, and not what he does not know, so if I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?"
The above-quoted words of Jesus signify that whoever lives in the flesh can never be spiritual and would not be able to interpret things of the spirit. Meanwhile, those who are in the Spirit can live, bear witness, and interprets things of the Spirit.
The question may be, how can one live in the spirit?
The answer to the above-raised question is in today's first reading when early believers live in common, they have a common pause, each was transparent to bring all he has into that one pause, and they share things among themselves ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS, and not WANTS.
Invariably, one can conclude that LOVE was deeply rooted among them, hence they started to live in the Spirit of God who is LOVE personified.
Therefore, whoever lives in true love in the worship of God becomes like God who is a Spirit; because all virtue is embedded in love. Hence, love is Spiritual.
So, a baptized Christian ought to be good, because God who is a Spirit is good. It takes a good person to see God who is good, hence one becomes spiritual and will be able to interpret the things of the Spirit since he is spirit filled.
On the contrary, a wicked baptized person is already filled with the spirit of Lucifer. Such are the people who live in the flesh and cannot interpret the things of Heaven.
In summary...
*** If you are a good person, it means the Spirit of God lives in you, certainly, you are spiritual.
*** If you are a bad (wicked) person, it means the spirit of the devil lives in you, certainly, you are of the flesh.
Remember Jesus' word, you are in the world, but not of the world. Invariably, He expects us to be spiritual and not carnal.
Peace ✌️ be with you.
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.