Sunday, April 30, 2023
4th Sunday of Easter
First Reading. Acts 2: 14, 36-41
Psalm. 23: 1-6 (R. 1)
Second Reading. 1 Peter 2: 20-25
Gospel. John 10: 1-10
A shepherd is a leader,
Jesus is a shepherd
Therefore, He is a leader.
Jesus is a shepherd who leads His sheep.
Therefore, Christ is the great leader, and we are less leaders; invariably, He is a great shepherd, and we are less shepherd.
We all are shepherds in one form or another. Once there are people under us who takes instructions, whom we lead, then we are shepherds.
Below are the natural categories of shepherds in life...
1. A parent is a shepherd to the children
2. A firstborn is a Shepherd to the siblings, just as the lastborn has a Shepherdic responsibility of obedience to the house
3. A Director, teacher, boss, manager, etc, are all shepherds in all their areas of responsibilities.
Then, as a shepherd and leader, one would naturally want people to obey and respect them, but the questions are,
1. Do we obey God and His Church?
2. Do we keep His commandments?
3. Do we listen to the voice of Jesus the chief Shepherd, or do we listen to the voice of God's enemy, who is satan?
4. Are we good sheep following Jesus the good Shepherd?
5. Do we have respect for Jesus the good shepherd, just as we would want people to respect us as a shepherd and a leader?
Wait, how do you feel when those under your authority flout your order?
I guess your answer would be as good as mine.
Now, let us imagine the following facts.
1. As a parent in the house, if your child did not follow your instructions, but follows a stranger's instructions; I guess you will not be happy.
2. As a teacher, if after sacrificing your time to teach and instruct your student, but refused to carry out your instructions, and even fail, I guess you will not be happy.
3. As a director or head of your department, if all the staff under you grossly did not obey you, but obey another person; I guess you will not be happy.
4. As a leader in the community, if you sacrificed your life for the progress and development of your community, yet it is not appreciated, I guess you will not be happy.
So, if your feelings in the above points raised are negative, then we should know how God feels when we as sheep decide to go astray.
In today's first reading, Peter stood up as a good Shepherd, he spoke and many repented. Can we after listening to the word of God, also repent?
Meanwhile, St. Peter in today's second reading encourages the good Shepherds among us that Christ gave us an example to follow. The example of sacrificing for the sheep who follow us, to live by example, and to become humility personified.
Christ died as a good Shepherd, He laid down His life for His sheep.
So, a good Shepherd must be ready to sacrifice his life for his sheep, are we ready to lay down our lives for our sheep?
He encourages that even if we are persecuted despite sacrificing for the sheep, we should not be discouraged, because heaven awaits us.
Let us try to obey the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd, because he said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber; but he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the gatekeeper opens; the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his sheep by their name"
So, to be a good sheep is to obey His words, keep His commandments, and finally, do unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Cf. Luke 6:31
Peace ✌️ be with you
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.