Who is Jesus?
He is the Son of God, the 2nd person of the Blessed Trinity, He is God-made-man.
He is the beginning, one in substance with the Father (God), the creator turned creature, though begotten not made, He condescended to become equal with the humanity He created.
He dwelt among us as a human beings, without losing His divinity; He died as human and rose as God.
Hmmm, when will humanity act like God and not as Satan? The hatred shown to Jesus led to His condemnation.
Jesus' hatred began with the prophecy of His coming into the world.
Therefore, His announced coming became a threat
His conception, a threat
His birth was a threat.
His growth as a toddler, a threat.
His adolescent/youthful stage was a threat.
His adulthood, a threat.
His relating with people, a threat.
He performs miracles to save humanity, a threat.
His teaching and all other good activities He did were faulted because He was seen as a threat.
His lifestyle of coming to serve and not being served was the biggest threat of all.
So, seeing Jesus as a threat, they gang and set Him up with allegations and false witnesses.
Therefore, on Good Friday @ 3 pm, He died on the cross like a criminal.
A man of sorrow seen as a threat was killed, and after His death, their threatened nature graduated to FEAR when they saw how the earth was shaken to its foundation because God in human form was killed.
As soon as Jesus died, the whole world became silent, and God in human form was buried in the tomb.
Silence has enveloped the universe, the church is empty.
Hence, we await the resurrection of the Church in the grave...
My question is, I hope Jesus is not a threat to you.
Your way of life is the answer to the above question.
If you value and uphold the truth, Jesus is your friend and not a threat. Hence, you joyfully await His resurrection.
On the contrary, if you do not value nor uphold the truth, it means JESUS IS YOUR BIGGEST THREAT IN LIFE. Invariably, you are not expecting His resurrection.
Your Christianity is nothing but eye service.
However, we can still change, die with Jesus on Good Friday, silently mourn the church in the grave on holy Saturday, and resurrect with Him on Sunday.
Peace ✌️ be with you.
Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.