
Showing posts from August, 2023


 *FRIDAY 1st September 2023*  Weekday (21) First Reading. 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8 Psalm. 97: I, 2, 5-6. 10-12 (R. 12a) Gospel. Matthew 25: 1-13 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *THE WISE ARE ALWAYS READY, WHILE THE FOOLISH ARE NOT*  A wise person strives despite all odds to keep the commandments of God, but the foolish do not make any efforts.  No wonder the psalmist says the fool says in his heart, there is no God above. Psalm 14: 1. Those who make efforts to live a just good moral life should continue, and never become jealous of those who live as if no one will judge them. In today's Gospel, the wise virgin kept their lamps burning with extra oil and waited patiently for the coming of the bridegroom, but the foolish were not ready for the bridegroom, and when the bridegroom came, he went away with the wise who were ready, and shut the door against the foolish who were not ready. The question is, how ready and prepared are we? May all our efforts in serving the Lord never...


 *Thursday, August 31, 2023*  Weekday (21). First Reading. 1 Thessalonians. 3: 7-13 Psalm. 90: 3-4, 12-14 and 17 (R. 14). Gospel. Matthew 24: 42-51 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *THE BIBLE SAYS WE SHOULD BE READY ALWAYS*  Below are the factual truths about our being. It is much easier to say, I am ready than being truly ready. It is much easier to say than to do It is much easier to listen than to act It is much easier to read than to assimilate It is much easier to grab than to understand  It is much easier to get carried away than to remain focus  It is much easier to be deceived than to be convinced My dear, in the 19s, there were lots of fake prophets that the world would be coming to an end in the year 2000, and many sold their hard-earned properties. In fact, a particular Church that championed the cause of the world coming to an end also said that properties are instruments of the devil, but today, since the world refuses to come to an end, these instruments...


 *WEDNESDAY 30th August 2023*  Weekday (21) First Reading. I Thessalonians 2: 9-13 Psalm. 139: 7-12 (R. 1) Matthew 23: 27-32 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *WHAT TYPE OF CHRISTIAN ARE YOU?*  Which categories of Christianity do you fall into? Are you the type of Christian with the idea of do as as say, and not as I do? Are you a Christian...  1. Who will drink milk, but will forcefully demand others to drink water? 2. Who will eat meat, but force others to eat bone? 3. Who will compulsory fast for others, but will feast with a sumptuous meal for him/herself? 4. Who will pray in the church, but curse outside? 5. Who is a saint with good character in the church, but more like a devil outside the church? 6. Who appears to be nice to priests, and pastors, but cruel to fellow church members? 7. Who can do everything to pay tithe, but can not give just a penny to save a soul outside church?  8. Who imposed a heavy load on others, but has no single load to carry? 9. Who dwe...


 *The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist*  August 29, 2023. Tuesday of week 21 in Ordinary Time First Reading. 1 Thessalonians 2: 1-8 Psalm. 139: 1-3, 4-6 (R.1) Gospel. Matthew 23: 23-26 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *DO NOT TAKE PLEASURE IN SWEARING, IT HAS CONSEQUENCES*  Today,  we celebrate the beheading of John the Baptist, a man of justice and truth. He stood and died for the truth he believed. His yes was yes, and his no was no.  Meanwhile, on the contrary, in our world today, most of us swear for the fun of it. We often forget the 3rd commandment which states that we should not call the name of the Lord in vain, on the contrary, we not only call His name in vain, we even rub it in the mud, and if we do this, how do we want God to feel? The most annoying is that we use the name of the Lord for ulterior motives. We use His Holy Name to carry out evil and we are comfortable with it. We do this because most people once they hear the name of God, they trust imme...


 *Sunday, August 27, 2023*  21st Sunday in Ordinary Time A First Reading. Isaiah 22: 19-23 Psalm. 138: 1-3, 6 and 8 (R.  8bc) Second Reading. Romans 11: 33-36 Gospel. Matthew 16: 13-20 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *JESUS IS THE MYSTERY OF GOD'S KINGDOM*  Wait a minute... ***Please if you are God's secretary, can you raise ☝️your hand?  ***Are you God's counselor? If you are please tell me ***Are you His consultant, architect, or the engineer who designed the universe? Anyway, if I may ask,  1. Who can tell the history of God? 2. Who created God? 3. Who knows His rising and going to bed? 4. Whom did God consult among us before creating the universe? 5. Who was there when He created the universe and its inhabitants?  I Guess no one can attempt the above questions, and more reason St. Paul in his letter to the Romans made it clear to them that God is the source of all that exists, trying to remind them of the mysterious saving grace He granted to the Israel...


 *Wednesday of week 20 in Ordinary Time*   *or Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin*  First Reading. Judges 9: 6-15 Psalm. 21: 2-7 (R.2a) Gospel. Matthew 20: 1-16 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *HEAVEN*  If there is only one HEAVEN, which means there is only one God If there is only one God, it means there is only one soul If there is only one Soul, it means there is only one SPIRIT also known as the Supreme Being-God Meanwhile, according to the simple Catechism of the Catholic Church No 5. It says:  Q: HOW IS YOUR SOUL LIKE TO GOD? A: My soul is like God because it is a Spirit, and it is immortal. More so, we are all aware that God created us in His image and likeness, and after creating us, He breathed into our nostrils. Cf. Gen. 2: 7 Invariably, the breath of God into our nostrils gave us life. More reason life returns to God after death, and the body returns to clay. Now, recall that it is only ONE AND ONLY GOD who breathed into the nostrils of all uncountable human ...


Our Lady, Mother and Queen   on Tuesday of week 20 in Ordinary Time First Reading. Judges 6: 11-24 Psalm. 85: 9, 11-14 (R.see9b) Gospel. Matthew 19: 23-30 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION JESUS SAID: THE RICH CANNOT ENTER HEAVEN, YET WE ALL WANT TO BECOME RICH (Hmm, What a contradiction) WHAT JESUS MEANT IS DETACHMENT. Today, the Church celebrates our Lady, Queen and Mother.  Remember, before she conceived Jesus, she was never regarded as a Queen, but her FIAT to conceive and give birth to Jesus merited her the title of Queenship and Mother.  Therefore, our Mother Mary is a very good example of those who left everything to accept to follow Jesus that will never go unrewarded. She was a rich young girl, but accepted not only to physically journey with Jesus, but carry Jesus both in her womb and in her heart, today she is a queen.  My dear, tomorrow, you and I can become kings and queens in heaven if we follow Jesus initimately. Therefore, Jesus in today's Gospel said that it...


 *Saint Pius X, Pope*    Monday of week 20 in Ordinary Time First Reading. Judges 2: 11-19 Psalm. 106: 34-37, 39-40, 43-44 (R. see 4ab) Gospel. Matthew 19: 16-22 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *DETACH TO ATTACH*  IF YOU ARE ATTACHED TO YOUR PROBLEM, YOU WILL NOT SEE GOD.  DETACH FROM YOUR PROBLEM AND ATTACH TO GOD WHO CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM. In life, some are attached to pride and detached from humility.  Those who are attached to their pride are romancing the devil, while those who are attached to humility are for God In today's Gospel, Jesus told the young man who came to Him, and has seen the sincerity of his heart that he had kept the commandment of God faithfully; told him to go sell all he have to follow Him. The young man could not withstand the teaching, because he find it difficult to detach from what he had to attach to Jesus.  My dear, this should let us know that, it is not all about all going to church every day, praying and fasting, but lackin...


  *Sunday, August 20, 2023*   *20th Sunday in Ordinary Time*  First Reading. Isaiah 56: 1, 6-7 Psalm. 67: 2-3, 5, 6, 8 (R. 4) Second Reading. Romans11: 13-15, 29-32 Gospel. Matthew 15: 21-28 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *THE TEST OF FAITH AND COMPASSION*  1. A person who has faith, is compassionate like God 2. A humble person's faith is more firm than an empty proud person's faith. 3. A faithful person who is compassionate and loving, embraces Justice and lives in Justice  4. A person of unwavering faith is always in constant communication with God in prayer.  Like the first reading says: the Lord tells us to, "keep justice, and do righteousness, for soon my salvation will come, and my deliverance be revealed." When the salvation of the Lord shall come, let nothing whatsoever distract you, and indeed it will never waver, once your faith in God is strong. Such a strong firm test of faith happened in today's Gospel. Similarly, we ought to be aware that the...


 *SATURDAY, August 19, 2023*  Weekday (19) First Reading. Joshua 24: 14-29 Psalm 16: 1-2, 5, 7-8, 11 (R.see5a) Gospel. Matthew 19: 13-15 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *HOW TO BUILD FAITH LIKE A CHILD*  Please, wait a minute... #Why do we accept to be what we can not become?  #Why do we call or reduce ourselves to a particular state of life, yet if called that name, we pick offence? #Why do we act immature if we claimed to be mature #Why do we not act and behave like a child before God, if we claim to be His child? The fact is, it is easier to attribute a name to which we can not accept to live the life. Are we not children of God? If we accept that we are children of God, our attitudes before Him should be like a child. Now, listen Place yourself in the position of your child at home. If you are not married yet, act as if you already have one. Now,  1. If you want your child to love you, do you love God as His child?  2. If you want your child to obey you do y...


 FRIDAY, August 18, 2023 Weekday (19) First Reading. Joshua 24: 1-13 Psalm. 136: 1-3.16-18, 21-22 and 24 (R.1b) Gospel. Matthew 19: 3-12 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION EVERY VOCATION IS UNIQUE: EVERY VOCATION HAS ITS CROSS Jesus' teaching today according to the Gospel is about vocation. Please before you chose your vocation, ask yourself some fundamental questions. However, before we continue, let me quickly remind us that there are three basic types of vocations in the Church. 1. Single life-- These are the people who neither want to marry nor become priests or religious, but just to remain single and dedicate their entire life to God without any distraction. These single persons do not engage in any sexual activities. They are celibate forever. Yet, not under any ecclesiastical vows like the religious and priests do. 2. Married Life-- These are the people who get married for the sake of love, and the procreation of children. They are not meant to be single. So, it is not expected of any ma...


 *Thursday, August 17, 2023*  Weekday (19). First Reading. Joshua 3: 7-11, 13-17 Psalm. 114: 1-6 Gospel. Matthew 18: 21-19: 1 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *WHAT YOU WILL GAIN IF YOU REFUSE TO FORGIVE*  If you wish to live with sickness always and are ready to die of HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, please do not forgive. But, if you wish to live a healthy life, and live long, forgive. Well, I know you have made up your mind not to forgive that person who offends you. Do you know that not forgiving is a suicide mission in itself? You are only killing yourself if you refuse to forgive.  Below are what you will gain if you refuse to forgive, but before that, let me ask these fundamental questions. It is always very easy to seek forgiveness from those whom we offend than we forgive those who offend us, why? It is easier to condemn others for not having a forgiving spirit than to see ourselves as not having a forgiven spirit, why? Why is it that we intentionally offend people, and it i...


 *WEDNESDAY 16TH AUGUST*  Weekday (19) First Reading. Deuteronomy 34: 1-12 Psalm. 66: 1-3a.5 and 8.16-17 (R. see 20a, 9a) Gospel. Matthew 18:15-20 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *RECONCILIATION METHODOLOGY*  God has given us His promise that He will always be in our midst once we gather together to worship Him. God is love, and He is aware that at one point or another in life, there may be quarrels among us due to human nature, one misunderstanding or another, For more reason He suggests to us the following methodology of reconciliation.  If your brother offends you..... 1. Call him, discuss the issue together and settle it. If he listens, good, but if he does not listen, then go to no 2. 2. Call one or two members to join in the reconciliation meeting as witnesses to your effort to make a reconciliation with him and for the witnesses to talk to him. If he still refuses to listen to them, go to no 3. 3. Take the issue to the responsible church leaders, to your parish pri...


 *Tuesday, August 15, 2023*   *THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (Solemnity)*  First Reading. Revelation 11: 19:12:1-6, 10 Psalm 45: 10-12, 16 (R.10b). Second Reading. I Corinthians 15: 20-27 Gospel. Luke 1: 39-56 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *THE HISTORY OF THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY*  If you were in the position of Jesus, will you allow your mother to taste the corruption of the earth? The Blessed Virgin was preserved to give birth to the Son of God, who is also God. In this situation, the fact that she was preserved from the beginning to give birth to God, it will not be out of place if she is being taken to heaven body and soul. God took her daughter's body and soul to heaven by Himself. Just as Jesus ascended into heaven, May too was Assumed into heaven. Below are some historical facts taken from the Catholic News Agency (CNA) website. The fascinating history of the Feast of Mary's Assumption Catholics around the world mark the Feast of the Assumption of ...


MY 2nd PRIESTLY ANNIVERSARY  *Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest, Martyr*  Monday of week 19 in Ordinary Time First Reading. Deuteronomy 10: 12-22 Psalm. 147: 12-15,19-20 (R. 12a) Gospel. Matthew 17: 22-27 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *CIVIC RESPONSIBILITIES*  A WhatsApp group member @Home of Spiritual Motivation, posted this and it reads thus:                      MR. AND MRS. Do you know the meaning of Mr & Mrs?  If your answer is no, now let me tell you the meaning,  ***MR = Mature and Responsible. ***MRS = Mature, Responsible and Submissive. Are you truly *MR* in your Home? Are you truly *MRS* in your Home? My dear, your first civic duty is to be a responsible person to yourself, and anyone who is not in any way responsible can never be in society. See, if you go by the name MR/MRS. it means you must have attained some sense of responsibility. On the contrary, whoever is not mature can never be responsible...


 *YOUR FEAR IS YOUR ENEMY*  Sunday, August 13, 2023 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading.  1 Kings 19: 9, 11-13 Psalm. 85: 8-13 (R. 7) Second Reading. Romans 9: 1-5 Gospel. Matthew 14: 22-33 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN CREATES DOUBT*  The beginning of failure is fear If you live in fear, you live in bondage Because it is the preparation to fail The preparation to fall The preparation to make mistakes, costly one Fear makes possibility impossible  It Weakens a strong person It destroys the personality of a person  It takes a person to the highest level of inferiority complex  It destroys the image of a person  It renders one useless. Every fearful person feels threatens always. The truth is that, if you live in fear, you may not experience the love of God, and at such disposition, how can you encounter God? Most fearful people are very noisy by nature, they use noise to cover up their fearful nature. More reason it i...


 Saturday of week 18 in Ordinary Time   or Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious   or Blessed Isidore Bakanja, Martyr   or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary  First Reading. Deuteronomy 6: 4-13 Psalm.18: 2-4, 47 and 51 (R. 2). Gospel. Matthew 17: 14-20 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *HAS YOUR FAITH GERMINATED?*  All planted seeds must first die, germinate and later starts to grow, has the word of God grown and germinated in you? Faith comes by hearing. (Rom. 10: 17) So, the word of God we listen to every time, if those words make no sense or meaning to us, we can not believe in it. Still from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans. 10: 14-15, it says... 14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?  15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scrip...


 *Saint Clare, Virgin*  Friday of week 18 in Ordinary Time First Reading. Deuteronomy 4: 32-40 Psalm.  77: 12-13, 14-16 and 2 l(R. 12a) Gospel. Matthew 16: 24-28 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *SHOULD GOD TREAT ME THE WAY I TREAT OTHERS?*  My dear, before you read further, ask yourself, can you boldly say, God please treat me the way you treat others? Some of us are living a life of, "am in charge " But, Wait, Should God treat you the way you treat others? Should God maltreat you the way you maltreat others? Should God deal with you the way you deal with others? Should God abandon you the way you abandon your family and friends?  Should God use you as a rag, the way you use others as a rag? Should God suffer you the way you suffer others? Should God suppress and oppress you the way suppress and oppress others? Should God starve you the way you starve others? Should God punish you the way you punish others? My dear, I could go on listing some of our bad attitudes tow...


 *Thursday 10th August*  Weekday (18)  *SAINT LAWRENCE, Deacon and Martyr (Feast)*  First Reading. 2 Corinthians 9: 6-10 Psalm. 112: 1-2, 5-9 (R. 5a) Gospel. John 12: 24-26 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *ST. LAWRENCE: THE POOR ARE THE TREASURES OF THE CHURCH.*  Saint Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of the Church of Rome and was executed on 10th August 258, four days after Sixtus II and his companions were executed. Lawrence is probably the most famous of the Roman martyrs. As a deacon, he was full of love for the poor, filled with courage before his torturers, and had a good sense of humour even while dying for his faith in 258. Tradition holds that as he was roasting to death on a gridiron (an iron used for broiling meat or fish over hot coal), he asked his torturers to turn him over since he was “done” enough on one side. St. Lawrence as the youngest was appointed among the seven deacons to serve in the Cathedral Church. He is therefore called "archdeacon o...


 Wednesday of week 18 in Ordinary Time   or Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Virgin, Martyr  First Reading. Numbers 13: 1-2, 25-14: 1, 26-29, 34-35 Psalm. 106: 6-7, 13-14, 21-23 (R. see 4a) Gospel. Matthew 15: 21-28 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *MERCY IS HUMILITY + FAITH*  In this life, many of us value respect more than personality. However, have we forgotten that a good personality attracts respect, while a bad personality attracts disrespect? Almost all of us want people to say good things about us, but do we say good things about others? We always want to hear positive approval of ourselves from people, but do we rejoice when we hear a positive remark about others? In short, many of us often feel a sense of self-importance than behaving importantly. Hmm, but the truth is that any person who feels a sense of importance is a POOR PROUD person, while those who behave importantly are HUMBLE people. My dear, our self-ego has placed us on a scale t...


 Tuesday 8, August 2023 Saint Dominic, Priest   on Tuesday of week 18 in Ordinary Time First Reading. Numbers 12: 1-13 Psalm. 51: 3-7, 12-13 (R. see 3a) Gospel. Matthew 14: 22-36 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  *THE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN IS A STUMBLING BLOCK TO FAITH.*  If you want to build your faith, expect less.  If you expect less, your hope will become great, and fear of the unknown will become minimal if not completely diminished. On the contrary, if your expectations in life are much, building your faith may become difficult, and your hope may not be great. Then, the fear of the unknown in you becomes strong. This is what I mean by much or less expectations. A person with too much expectation does not give room for the will of God to take place, he takes things to be a do-or-die affair, and such can make one desperate, and in being desperate, the fear of the unknown begins. Similarly, a person with much expectation does not give room for failure, and a person wh...