*FRIDAY 1st September 2023* Weekday (21) First Reading. 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-8 Psalm. 97: I, 2, 5-6. 10-12 (R. 12a) Gospel. Matthew 25: 1-13 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION *THE WISE ARE ALWAYS READY, WHILE THE FOOLISH ARE NOT* A wise person strives despite all odds to keep the commandments of God, but the foolish do not make any efforts. No wonder the psalmist says the fool says in his heart, there is no God above. Psalm 14: 1. Those who make efforts to live a just good moral life should continue, and never become jealous of those who live as if no one will judge them. In today's Gospel, the wise virgin kept their lamps burning with extra oil and waited patiently for the coming of the bridegroom, but the foolish were not ready for the bridegroom, and when the bridegroom came, he went away with the wise who were ready, and shut the door against the foolish who were not ready. The question is, how ready and prepared are we? May all our efforts in serving the Lord never...