*Thursday, August 31, 2023* 

Weekday (21).

First Reading. 1 Thessalonians. 3: 7-13

Psalm. 90: 3-4, 12-14 and 17 (R. 14).

Gospel. Matthew 24: 42-51



Below are the factual truths about our being.

It is much easier to say, I am ready than being truly ready.

It is much easier to say than to do

It is much easier to listen than to act

It is much easier to read than to assimilate

It is much easier to grab than to understand 

It is much easier to get carried away than to remain focus 

It is much easier to be deceived than to be convinced

My dear, in the 19s, there were lots of fake prophets that the world would be coming to an end in the year 2000, and many sold their hard-earned properties. In fact, a particular Church that championed the cause of the world coming to an end also said that properties are instruments of the devil, but today, since the world refuses to come to an end, these instruments of the devil now become a means of evangelizing for them.

Hmmm, what an irony of the highest stupid order

Now, Who is deceiving who?

Let me tell you, no one can take the position of God, and no one can predict Him.

So, because of those who believe in the fake prophecy, I do ask some of them some fundamental questions...

1. The people you are selling your properties to, will the world not end with them?

2. Does it mean you who are selling your properties are better or holier than the people buying the properties from you?

3. Do you know the mind of God to know the exact time and how He will end the world? 

4. Why do you believe in human prophecy and not divine prophecy?

5. Have you not read where it is stated in the scripture that if the owner of the house knows when the thief will come, he should have prepared for the thief?

My dear, I think most of us just read the bible and go to church, yet lack the true knowledge of God both from the Bible and from the Church which we attend. It is indeed a pity.

How can we read the Bible, yet not understand the simple language and sentences read from it, but will blindly allow someone who may be less educated than us to manipulate us into his doctrine in the name of being a prophet?

Jesus in today's Gospel said, no one knows the hour when the Lord will come. The moment we know, then He ceases to be God.

Jesus encourages us today to be prayerful and watchful because no one knows the hour when the Lord shall come. 

The truth is that the day a person dies is the day his/her Lord has visited to take him or her home.

So, let nobody deceive you about the world coming to an end, or predict your future for you; always remember that the fake prophet too will die and give an account of how he deceives people.

So, believe in what the Holy Bible says, If you do not understand, go to a Catholic Priest who studies the in-depth scripture to some extent for interpretation, and not just someone who memorizes the chapters and verses of the Bible, without having the knowledge or knowing the content, the context, the purpose and the factual historical background of the passages in the Scripture.

Therefore, let us be ready at all times, and do not allow ourselves to be deceived by anybody.

I guess you remember this prayer.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and the Holy Spirit

As it was in the BEGINNING, it is NOW and ever shall BE, WORLD WITHOUT END.

So, if the world has a definite time it will come to an end, then the above prayer would have been useless. 

Anyway, thank God am a Catholic 😆 


Lord God Almighty, we, your children beg you to grant us the wisdom to know and understand you through the Holy Scripture, and not be deceived by it. Help us to be faithful to your words and grant us the grace to be ready at all times for your coming in glory. Amen.

 *Peace ✌️ be with you.* 

 *Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.* 


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