Sunday, August 13, 2023
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading. 1 Kings 19: 9, 11-13
Psalm. 85: 8-13 (R. 7)
Second Reading. Romans 9: 1-5
Gospel. Matthew 14: 22-33
The beginning of failure is fear
If you live in fear, you live in bondage
Because it is the preparation to fail
The preparation to fall
The preparation to make mistakes, costly one
Fear makes possibility impossible
It Weakens a strong person
It destroys the personality of a person
It takes a person to the highest level of inferiority complex
It destroys the image of a person
It renders one useless.
Every fearful person feels threatens always.
The truth is that, if you live in fear, you may not experience the love of God, and at such disposition, how can you encounter God?
Most fearful people are very noisy by nature, they use noise to cover up their fearful nature. More reason it is said that AN EMPTY VESSEL MAKES THE LOUDEST NOISE.
Fear drains one completely of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, no wonder it is said that fearful people die a million times before their death. Those who live in fear are empty. Hence, they seek God where they can not find Him.
Observe some people around you who run from pillar to post seeking God, yet forgetting that the God they sought for outside lives inside of them, what an irony of the highest order!
Please, my dear, be courageous, do not entertain fear, it destroys.
Be courageous like Elijah whom God chose to reveal himself to, but could not experience God in...
***Great and strong wind which tore the mountains and broke them into pieces
*** In an earthquake
*** In fire 🔥
But, he experienced God and heard His voice clearly in a gentle cool breeze.
My dear, if Elijah was not courageous, if he had lived in fear, he might not have experienced God in that cool gentle breeze.
St. Paul is another model we could imitate his courage, he endured all pains, sorrows, trials, tribulations and persecution for the sake of Christ. If Paul had lived in fear, he would not have achieved all he achieved during his lifetime.
The truth is that a fearful person has no enduring spirit.
Coming to the Gospel, Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples that He is master over the universe, that He owns the universe, the wind obeys Him, and that He walks on water.
He told His disciples who were afraid when they saw Him walking on the water, DO NOT BE AFRAID.
However, Peter who asked Jesus if he can walk on water jumped on the water to start walking with great zeal. Initially, his focus was on Jesus, but as soon as the got distracted from focusing on Jesus, his faith fails him and starts to doubt. Hence, Jesus reached out to save him.
My dear, in summary, let us remain focused on Jesus and fear will run away.
Always remember this...
1. Satan feasts on our fear, and still uses it against us
2. God feast on our courage and uses it to promote us into the greater glory of His kingdom.
So, it is left for you to choose one; courage or fear.
*Peace ✌️ be with you.*
*Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.*