FRIDAY, August 18, 2023

Weekday (19)

First Reading. Joshua 24: 1-13

Psalm. 136: 1-3.16-18, 21-22 and 24 (R.1b)

Gospel. Matthew 19: 3-12



Jesus' teaching today according to the Gospel is about vocation. Please before you chose your vocation, ask yourself some fundamental questions.

However, before we continue, let me quickly remind us that there are three basic types of vocations in the Church.

1. Single life-- These are the people who neither want to marry nor become priests or religious, but just to remain single and dedicate their entire life to God without any distraction. These single persons do not engage in any sexual activities. They are celibate forever. Yet, not under any ecclesiastical vows like the religious and priests do.

2. Married Life-- These are the people who get married for the sake of love, and the procreation of children. They are not meant to be single. So, it is not expected of any married couple to be practising celibacy inside marriage without the consent of the other partner. Couples are meant not to deny each other consummation (Sex)

Briefly, here are some of the Church's teaching on marriage according to the Canon Law of the Church 

***Can. 1055 °1 says: Christ raised marriage to the dignity of Sacrament. More reason it must be between two baptized Catholics. 

Though, the law gave room for a mixed marriage. Cf. Cans. 1124-1129

***Can. 1056: The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility, which in Christian marriage obtain a special firmness because of the sacrament

***Can. 1061...

°1: A valid marriage between the baptized is called RATUM TANTUM if it has not been consummated, if there is no Sex.

Then, it is called RATUM ET CONSUMMATUM if the spouses have humanly performed between themselves the conjugal act (Sex) that is suitable in itself for the procreation of offspring, to which marriage is ordered by its nature and by which the spouses become one flesh.

°2. After a marriage has been celebrated, if the spouses have lived together, consummation is presumed 

until the contrary is proven.

Please, am sorry for all the big Latin words. Below πŸ‘‡are the meaning.


.......Ratum Tantum means sexual intercourse has not taken place between the two married couples.

.......Ratum et Consummatum means sexual intercourse has taken place between two married couples.

So, the word consummatum in Latin means consummation in English. Which means the act of sexual intercourse between the couple for procreation. Therefore, if consummation is absent in marriage, the purpose of procreation is forfeited, hence marriage does not exist.

Today, the most marital problem could be traced to a lack of understanding between couples in terms of sexual activities.

Please, I beg you, reconciled back with your partner. If you deny your partner the consummation, and out of human weakness your partner engages with another person, know that you have the greatest fault in your partner's sin. Meaning, that you share in your partner's sin. So, do not lead each other into sin, pleeaasssssssss.

You got married to complement each other, if that compliment is cut off, you who cut it off without a genuine reason are at fault.

3. Priest and Religious life--- These are the people who live under vows, especially the religious. The religious take the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience for the service of the church and humanity.

The priests who are not religious take promises of celibacy and obedience to their bishop and his successors. 

The religious and priests work in the church for the sanctification of their souls and that of others.

Therefore, my dear, try to find meaning in the vocation you have chosen. Every vocation has its cross. No one is better than the other.

What is lacking in one vocation, is complementary in another vocation and vice versa.

If however, you are still thinking of which life to choose, ask yourself these suggested fundamental questions.

1. Can I be alone without being lonely? If yes, consider Single/religious/priesthood life

2. Do I need a companion always beside me? If yes, consider Married life


3. If your attraction to any state of life is based and rooted in the materialistic wealth that may sometimes go with it, it means you do not have a love for that vocation but lust.

4. If beauty, body shape, money, cars, fame, power, position, etc are your yardstick for marriage, please think twice, because such marriage may mar you instead of making you. This is one of the roots of many broken homes today. Once all these exterior values vanish, your emptiness is revealed.

In a nutshell, if you are having difficulties in the vocation you have chosen, just know that yours is not the worst, and neither would it be the last. Please, be close to your parish priest, priests friend, marriage animators in your parishes, etc., and be open 

So, in discerning your vocation, be objective in your choice. 

First and foremost, consider what gives you joy and is beneficial to others.

Vocation is a way of life.

So, allow God to direct you. He knows better than you do. He sees the end from the beginning.

It is only God who can write straight on a crooked line.

Peace ✌️ be with you.

Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.


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