*WEDNESDAY 29 November 2023* Weekday (34) First Reading. Daniel 5: 1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-25. PSALM Daniel 3: 40-45 (R. 40b) Gospel. Luke 21: 12-19 *CHRISTIAN FAITH IS MARTYRDOM* My dear, here are some facts about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which runs through us, His faithful followers. Remember, whatever happens to the head, affects the whole body, and since Christ is the head, and we are His body, automatically what happens to Him will also get to us His followers. Here are some highlights among many of what happened to Jesus, and what is still happening to us, His followers to date. 1. If Mary the mother of Jesus could undergo pains and sorrows for being the mother of Jesus, then all good mothers who are Christians should not be surprised to undergo the same for the sake of their children who are followers of Christ; most especially mothers of Priests and Religious. 2. If Joseph the foster father of Jesus could sacrifice for Jesus' care and ...