*Saturday November 4th, 2023*
Weekday (30) Ordinary Time
Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop
First Reading. Romans 11:1-2, 11-12, 25-29
Psalm 94:12-15, 17-18 (R.14a).
Gospel. Luke 14: 1, 7-11
Do you know the full meaning of EPPP? 😆 😆 😆
It means,
Empty Poor Proud Person (People)
Just try to observe those who make the loudest noise within your vicinity, they are the empty poor proud people. Surprise? 😮
Well, do not be because...
1. Empty people are proud people,
2. Empty vessel seeks the position of honour, where you see a person or people struggling for power, know that such a person or people have nothing to offer.
3. They seek for position of power to fill their emptiness.
Just observe people in your community, church, society, or around you who struggle for power, such have no single clue of what to do.
These are the people who will always be aggressive and feel insecure yet with the power they have, they bully, oppress, suppress, call people ANIMAL, etc.
Proud people boast of their empty vessels, while Humble people do not boast.
Remember that God is humble, while satan is proud.
Therefore, humble people are friends of God, while proud people are friends of satan, the enemy of God.
If you want to go far in life, be humble
If you want to make it in life, be humble
If you want God's abundant blessings retained in your life, be humble
If you want people to respect you, be humble
If you want to achieve greatly in life, be humble
If you want to sustain your relationship, be humble but not to be stupid
If you want authentic power and authority to locate you, be humble, but if you are power-intoxicated, it means you are proud.
We could go on listing...
More reason in today's Gospel, Jesus encourages us not to seek the position of honour, that whoever humble himself shall be exalted, and those who exalt themselves shall be humbled.
So, if you want God to exalt you, kindly humble yourself, but if you exalt yourself and God humbles you, who will exalt you?
Food for thought.
*Peace ✌️ be with you.*
*Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS*