
Showing posts from February, 2023


 Sunday, February 26, 2023. FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT (A) First Reading. Genesis 2: 7-9; 3: 1-7 Psalm. 51: 3-6, 12-14, and 17 (R. cf. 3a) Second Reading. Romans 5: 12- 19 Gospel. Matthew 4: 1-11 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  YOUR DESIRE IS YOUR TEMPTATION.  Do you know why JESUS did not fall into temptation? It is because...  1. He is divine and not of the flesh; remember, only flesh is tempted and not the Spirit.  2. He came from Heaven, and not from the earth.  3. He is in the world, but not of the world.  4. All that exists on earth was created THROUGH HIM, AND WITH HIM, AND IN HIM. So, how can what he creates tempt Him the creator? 5. He came to save and to teach us how to be saved, by extension, how to overcome temptation.  I will like to quickly remind us that all temptations in life fall under 3 categories. They are...  1. PLEASURE  2. POWER  3. POSSESSION.  Jesus was tempted by these 3 categories.  They are as follows:  1....
 QUESTION  What is the significance of playing musical instruments/ beating drums in the work of salvation/ spreading the Gospel? MY SUGGESTED ANSWER The importance of musical instruments in the church can never be over-emphasized. The use of musical instruments originates from among the Jewish people who use the following musical instruments among many of their musical instruments which include: kinnor (lyre), nevel (harp), tof (tambourine), shofar (ram's horn), trumpet,  etc. to accompany their liturgical worship.  Are you aware that Jubal is the father of all who plays musical instruments and drums (lyre and harp)? Cf. Gen. 4: 21 Jewish music is music that exists in both traditions of religious music as sung in the synagogue and domestic prayers, and of secular music.  So, since Christianity is an offshoot of the Jewish tradition and culture, the church in her continued with the ever-green rich culture of the Jewish tradition in her liturgy. These are the rea...


  Friday, February 24, 2023 FRIDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY First Reading. Isaiah 58: 1-9 Psalm. 51: 3-6; 18-19 (R.19bc) Gospel. Matthew 9: 14-15 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION IF YOU ARE A GREEDY PERSON, DO NOT BOTHER TO FAST. IT IS A WASTED EFFORT. My dear, the Ogapatapata of greed is wickedness If you are a greedy person, you have the tendency of becoming wicked if care is not taken. A greedy person will always want to accumulate more material wealth than needed, and once such desi re c ould not be achieved; such a person will be ready to destroy or kill anybody whom he sees as a stumbling block not achieving his or her evil desire. Cf. James 4:4. Selfishness is the grandparent of greediness, while greed is the parent of wickedness, and wickedness gives birth to backbiting, character assassination, slandering oppression, suppression, theft, and all kinds of vices one could ever imagine. I guess someone might say I am too ash with my today's topic reflection, well, I invite you to tra...


 Thursday, February 23, 2023. THURSDAY AFTER ASH WEDNESDAY  First Reading. Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 Psalm. 1: 1-4 and 6 (R.40:5ab) Gospel. Luke 9: 22-25 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION WHAT DO YOU FIND DIFFICULT TO DENY?  Moses told the Israelites, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and a curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice, and clinging to him" My dear, if this is placed before you as a person, without a mincing word, am sure you will choose life and blessing. However, in choosing life and blessing, do you help others to also choose life and blessing, or do you choose to curse and death for them? More so, if you choose life, but go about destroying others, wishing them bad luck due to your selfish interest; do not worry, you are only digging your grave. The fact is that choosing life does not mean it should be valued above heaven which is the kingdom of God. I guess to choose life mea...
 Wednesday, 22 February 2023. ASH WEDNESDAY: A CALL FOR REPENTANCE First reading. Joel 2: 12-18 Psalm 51:3-6,12-14,17 Second reading. 2 Corinthians 5: 20-6: 2 Gospel. Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION FAST FROM SIN AND NOT FROM FOOD What type of love and respect is it that your child has for you if he gives you lots of money and still goes about insulting you? Would it not be better that he shows you love and respect, even if he has no money to give? I guess, a normal person would prefer he is shown love and respect without money than insulting him because of the money. So, it becomes an insult unto God if one should be faithful to fasting from food, and not fasting from sin. However, one would give glory to God if one should fast from sin, and not just food alone. One of the main aims of fasting and abstinence is primarily to mortify one's flesh, and the sacrifice made from fasting is used for charity to others. That is, the money saved from fasting is used as charity for...


 Monday, February 20, 2023 Weekday (Wk 7) First Reading.  Sirach 1: 1-10 Psalm. 93: 1-2, 5 (R. 1a) Gospel. Mark 9: 14-29 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  THE WISDOM OF GOD / THE WISDOM OF MAN.  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God . 1 Corinthians 3: 19 God's wisdom is divine, while the wisdom of man is earthly.  The wisdom of God is great, while the wisdom of man is not great.  The wisdom of God is immortal, while the wisdom of man is mortal.  The wisdom of God is enriching and insightful, while the wisdom of man is emptiness.  The wisdom of God is a lamp for steps and light for a path to eternal life, while the wisdom of man is embedded with darkness.  The wisdom of God uplift the soul, while the wisdom of man downcast the soul.  The wisdom of God builds courage, while the wisdom of man creates fear.  The wisdom of God builds confidence, while the wisdom of man builds timidity.  The wisdom of God builds faith, while the w...


 Sunday, February 19, 2023 SEVENTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (A) First Reading.  Leviticus 19: 1-2, 17-18    Psalm. 103: 1-4, 8, 10, 12-13 (R. 8a) Second Reading. I Corinthians 3: 16-23 Gospel. Matthew 5: 38-45 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  THE LOVE OF THE ENEMY IS THE PERFECT LOVE OF GOD.  A sinner and especially, an unrepentant sinner is an enemy of God, yet God still showers His merciful love and compassion over that unrepentant sinner. Isn't that great?  Similarly, we the sinners are always happy that God still loves us despite our sinful nature.  In that regard, since we are happy that God still loves us despite our sinful nature, He, God now encourages us to love our enemies in the same manner.  This will bring to perfection our love for Him (God) as His love for us is perfect despite our sinful nature.  My dear, this is very hard oooooh. Hmmm. But it is possible.  On the contrary, it seems the enemy of Christians knows and had mastered this...


  Friday, February 17, 2023 SEVEN HOLY FOUNDERS OF THE ORDER OF SERVITES (OPT MEM) First Reading. Genesis 11: 1-9    Psalm. 33: 10-15 (R.12b) Gospel. Mark 8: 34-9: 1 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION THE CHURCH IN THE WORLD, AND THE WORLD IN THE CHURCH: CARRY YOUR CROSS  Today, we live in a secularized world. Secularism means the separation of the church from the state. Although, the separation of church from the state may be considered in terms of administration in which the state will focus on all that concerns its public functions such as politics, welfare, etc since not everybody is Christ follower; while the church will focus on building the kingdom of God on earth. Yet, all human beings living in this world belong to God, and at the same time belong to society. Hence, the church in the secular world, and the secular world in the church. However, the most surprising is that secularism was re-defined as the cause of time, and deviated from its administrative func...


 Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Weekday (Wk 6) Office: Psalter Week 2 First Reading. Genesis 8: 6-13, 20-22   Psalm. 116: 12-15, 18-19 (R. cf. 1 7a) Gospel. Mark 8: 22-26 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  A GOOD CHRISTIAN SHOULD... I had the inspiration to write about Christian duties ***Learn to be quick to hear, but slow to speak. MEANING... You learn more by listening keenly, wisely, and prudently before you respond. This will help one to think very well before responding. Invariably, it will be thinking before talking. ***Learn to control his or her anger, for the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God. MEANING... Anger destroys and never builds Anger causes sicknesses such as heartburn, ulcer, pain, blood pressure, etc Anger causes sleepless night Anger attracts more enemies than friends  Hence, all the few among many listed above about anger do not work in the ways of the Lord. ***Learn to put away all filthiness and rank growth of wickedness and receive wi...


 Tuesday, February 14, 2023 SS CYRIL, MONK & METHODIUS, B. (Memorial) First Reading. Genesis 6: 5-8; 7: 1-5, 10 Psalm. 29: 1-4, 9-10 (R. 11b) Gospel. Mark 8: 14-21 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION ENJOYMENT: A SIGN THIS GENERATION SEEKS; YET, DESTROYS MANY. Hello, my sweet babe, 😆 I guess calling you such a name makes you happy? Hmmm Today is Valentine, will you be my Val? My dear, Valentine's is a period of enjoyment, but enjoy it with caution. Define your enjoyment, but do not allow the enjoyment to define you. Socialize with people, but do not allow the people to socialize you Think before you act, but do not act before you think. Similarly, do not conceive in your mind that you will not suffer in this life, remember that suffering is part of life. It's either you suffer in the morning, afternoon, or at night. You cannot avoid suffering. To avoid suffering is to prepare yourself to suffer a double portion of what you avoid at your very stage in life Please 🙏 and please 🙏, do not ...


Monday, February 13, 2023 Weekday (Wk 6) Mass and Preface of the day First Reading. Genesis 4: 1-15, 25 Psalm. 50: 1, 8, 16-17, 20-21 (R. cf. 14a) Gospel.  Mark 8: 11-13 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION THE GENESIS OF GREED  (As you read this reflection, fix the politician whose life depicts the reflection.) Greed beg ins w ith a person who is PLEASURE, POWER, AND POSSESSION conscious. Are you aware that a greedy person is a proud person? Do you know that a greedy person complains a lot? Do you also know that no greedy person values simplicity? A greedy person boasts about his emptiness A greedy person tends towards being a thief because what he has not, and has no means of getting, would devise a means with his cunny nature to get what he wants. My dear, I pray this day that anyone who is greedy by nature should repent of it through Christ our Lord. I pray for such persons because, it destroys not just the soul and personality of the greedy person, but destroys the society w...


 Sunday, February 12, 2023. SIXTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (A) First Reading.  Sirach 15: 15-20 Psalm. 119: 1-2, 4-5, 17-1 8, 33-34 (R. 1b) Second Reading. 1 Corinthians 2: 6-10 Gospel. Matthew 5: 17-37 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  YOUR CHOICE: LIFE OR DEATH.  My dear, you have the freedom to...  1. Keep God's commandments or not.  2. Trust God or not.  3. Choose water or fire.  4. Choose life or death. 5. Choose Good or evil  Hence, the first reading stated clearly that whatever a person chooses will be given to him/her.  ***The wisdom of the Lord is mighty in power and He sees everything.  ***The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him. He keeps the record.  ***God knows every deed of humanity. ***God has not commanded anyone to be ungodly, and he has not given anyone permission to SIN. The psalmist said Blessed are those who walk in the law of the Lord.  So, whoever chooses to trust, believe, and keep the commandments of God is a...


 Saturday, February 11, 2023. OUR LADY OF LOURDES, (OPT MEMORIAL) BVM ON SATURDAY  First Reading.  Genesis 3: 9-24 Psalm 90: 2-6, 12-13 (R. 1) Gospel. Mark 8: 1-10 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  GOD PROVIDES WITH COMPASSION.  My dear, please can you kindly get yourself a seat, sit and relax on it. If possible, close your eyes, take a deep breath and try to go out of yourself.  As you have come out of yourself, please don't go far, just stand in front of the chair where you are seated relaxing with your eyes closed.  Now, as you are standing in front of yourself, can you begin to imagine yourself getting to the stage you are now recalling where you began your tough-rough journey of life, yet you are still strong and healthy? As you are looking at yourself,  can you recall those moments of your life when you had nothing to eat, no money to meet your immediate essential needs, those moments when...  ***As a student, you attended lectures on an empty stom...


  Thursday, February 9, 2023 Office: Psalter Week 1 FIRST READING- Genesis . 2: 18-25 Psalm.  128: 1-5 (R. see la) Gospel.  Mark 7: 24-30 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION TOLERATE INSULTS, IT IS PART OF LIFE'S GROWTH  I have come to realize that insult is part of life. Anyone who wishes to survive in life should not pay attention to insult, because either one likes it or not, it must come directly or indirectly to one. Those who have attained a certain height of spirituality in life paid no attention to insult. Insult could come in different ways and manners, but what matters most is that attention should not be given to it. Let me share with you one great secret of life which I discovered recently, though I may say I discovered it late 😆, is that if you pay no attention to the person insulting you, shame soon envelops him or her who insults you. Though I must be sincere that it is not easy to endure insult, if one can overcome it, one has already overcome his or her...


 Wednesday, February 8, 2023. Weekday (5)  St. Jerome Emiliani, P NOTE: THE READINGS ARE PROPER TO THE CONGREGATION'S CELEBRATION. First Reading. Isaiah. 58: 7-11 Psalm. 112 Second Reading. Ephesians. 3: 14-19 Gospel. Matt. 19: 13-21 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION ST JEROME EMILIANI: FATHER OF ORPHANS AND FOUNDER OF SOMASCAN FATHERS. We the Somascan Fathers all over the world celebrate the Feast of our founder today. It is a great joy in our hearts, and indeed we are glad. WHO IS ST. JEROME? St Jerome Emiliani is known as the father of orphans, and founder of the Somascan Fathers. He is a saint of mercy and love. He was born in 1486 in Venice to the family of Angelo and Leonora Emiliani in Italy. In 1511, as a military, he was captured, imprisoned on August 27, 1511, and with the help of Mother Mary, he was released exactly one month after on September 27th, 1511. This date of his release is dedicated to our Lady mother of Orphans in the congregation.  He is the last son of four ch...


 Sunday, February 5, 2023 Fifth Sunday of the Year (A) First Reading. Isaiah, 58: 7-10 Psalm. 112: 4-9 (R. 4a) Second Reading.  1 Corinthians 2: 1-5 Gospel. Matthew, 5: 13-16 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  IS YOUR CHARACTER TASTY OR TASTELESS?  Good character is SALT OF THE EARTH, AND LIGHT OF THE WORLD.  Bad character is TASTELESS SALT TO THE EARTH, AND DARKNESS TO THE WORLD.  Naturally, we all love and wish to associate with good people, while nobody would naturally wish to be associated with bad evil people.  The question is, are you a good or bad person? Your character speaks volume.  However, wait a minute, before we continue, let me ask...  Do you think you can be a light of the world and salt of the earth as a Christian without character?  😆 😆 😆 its absolutely impossible.  Your character defines you, it defines your personality.  Let me define character in an unusual way 😆 😆 😆  Character simply means the characteristic...


 Saturday, February 4, 2023 BVM on Saturday Office: Memorial. Psalter Week 4 First Reading.  Hebrews 13: 15-17, 20-21 Psalm.. 23: 1-6 (R. 1) Gospel. Mark 6: 30-34 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  YOU ARE A SHEPHERD AND A SHEEP  I guess we all know that the word shepherd used for a person who takes sheep (animals) out for pasture, and bring them back home.  So, Jesus is regarded as a shepherd who had come down from heaven to gather us together, feed us with heavenly banquet and to lead us back home to heaven.  Therefore, with the above brief explanation, we could simply apply the word shepherd to all aspects of our human activities.  So...  As the head of a family.........  You are a shepherd.  As the head of your places of work.....  You are a Shepherd  As the head of any societyyou may belong to....... You are a shepherd  As the head of a Church..... You are a Shepherd.  On the contrary, we all are under one person's authority ...


 Friday, February 3, 2023 BLAISE, BISHOP AND MARTYR & ST. ANSGAR (Opt. Mem) First Reading. Hebrews, 13: 1-8 Psalm. 27: 1, 3, 5, 8-9 (R. I a) Gospel. Mark 6: 14-29 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  SHOW SINCERE LOVE, AND DO NOT MAKE A PROMISE OUT OF EMOTION  The author of the letter to the Hebrews  advices thus:  *** Show true love ***Be compassionate and sympathetic *** Value your marriage and respect your partner  *** Love of money destroys, don't destroy yourself.  *** Be satisfied with what you have  *** Have confidence in God, He never fails.  **" Imitate the faith of the saints *** Jesus is the same always.  *** A true love for God in your neighbors will not lead you into sin like herod who was filled with lust, hence he began to be afraid of Jesus because of the atrocity he committed out of emotion in today's Gospel.  Hmmm...  Emotion! Emotion!! Emotion!!! The word "emotion" has destroyed many people in life.  It takes a mat...


  Thursday, February 2, 2023 PRESENTATION OF THE LORD (FEAST) WORLD DAY OF CONSECRATED LIFE First Reading. Malachi 3: 1-4 Psalm. 24: 7-10 (R. 10 bc ) Second Reading. Hebrews 2: 14-18 Gospel. Luke 2: 22-40 MAY GOD ACCEPT OUR INTENTIONS Today is the beautiful day when Jesus was presented in the temple by His parents according to Jewish custom. I pray this day that the parents of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph will present our collective and private intentions to God in Heaven, especially the intentions of our forthcoming election in Nigeria, that the blood of the innocent citizens that have been shed in this noble country would not be in vain. May God enter our hearts and mind to choose a credible leader that will transform Nigeria from an old corrupt nation to a NEW BLESSED NATION. Similarly... As Simeon saw Jesus and bless the name of the Lord, may God receive the presentation of our intentions and bless it for us in Jesus' name. As Anna spoke greatly of Jesus' name to pe...