Thursday, February 23, 2023.
First Reading. Deuteronomy 30: 15-20
Psalm. 1: 1-4 and 6 (R.40:5ab)
Gospel. Luke 9: 22-25
Moses told the Israelites, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and a curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God, obeying his voice, and clinging to him"
My dear, if this is placed before you as a person, without a mincing word, am sure you will choose life and blessing.
However, in choosing life and blessing, do you help others to also choose life and blessing, or do you choose to curse and death for them?
More so, if you choose life, but go about destroying others, wishing them bad luck due to your selfish interest; do not worry, you are only digging your grave.
The fact is that choosing life does not mean it should be valued above heaven which is the kingdom of God.
I guess to choose life means to value it, to treasure it, because it is God's gift and not the mundane things in the world.
The moment you value the wealth of life more than the Gospel of Christ, you will find it difficult to deny the world.
Remember, Jesus told us that we cannot serve two masters, therefore, it's either you love one or hate the other.
The reality is that, whoever values life, will value heaven because life comes from God, and it will be willing to go back to its creator.
More so, if one cannot suffer for the sake of others and the kingdom of God, such would find it difficult to embrace the cross of Christ. Hence, material things in life would make the person lose the kingdom of God.
It is in denying oneself of life's pleasure that one embraces the cross of Christ.
Finally, know that pleasure is sweet like horny, but destructive like a cankerworm, while mortification can be painful, but it saves for eternal life and happiness.
In this season of Lent, let us try to value life, carry our crosses, deny the world, and avoid sins.
Peace ✌️ be with you.
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.