*Sunday, December 24, 2023*
First Reading. 2 Samuel 7: 1-5, 8-12, 14, 16)
Psalm 89: 2-5, 27 and 29 (R. see 2a)
Second Reading. Romans 16: 25-27
Gospel. Luke 1: 26-38
Jesus said, ...Philip, to have seen me is to have seen the Father. Cf. John 14: 9.
Invariably, to have known Jesus is to have known the Father.
Remember that the blessed Trinity had existed from the beginning.
God the Father
Jesus, the word of God
Holy Spirit, the breath of God.
So, Jesus as the word of God is God, and both can not be separated, just as your word was born with you from the beginning and your word can not be separated from you.
The fact is that God the Father exists with Word and Spirit (breath), the same as a human being exists with word and breath.
So, being created in the image and likeness of God...
You were born with the word
You grow with your word
You become mature with your word
You will die with your word
This simply means you are your word, and your word is you, just as God is the Word and the Word (Jesus) is God.
Similarly, your word is identified with your name and no one can separate you from your word, just as God's word, Jesus is called and identified as God.
Hence, God who created us in His image and likeness decided to manifest Himself to us and wants us to know convincingly that He is like us in everything, though Divine.
No wonder in today's second reading, St. Paul said Christ is the revelation of a mystery kept secret for endless ages, and He alone is Wisdom
It is on this fact that God sent the Angel Gabriel to a virgin that she will conceive and bear a Son which shall be called Emmanuel (Jesus), which means GOD WITH US.
The incarnation of Jesus is the revelation of God the Father. Meanwhile, the Lord spoke through the prophets of Old that His Dynasty would be established in the lineage of David His servant which is the house of Jesse, and it will last forever
It is from the lineage of David that Joseph who was the foster father of Jesus came from.
Isaiah foretold about the coming of Christ, and His nativity on Christmas day fulfils the promise of God from of old.
In a nutshell, Jesus is the revelation of God's promise from of old through His prophets.
My dear, since Jesus is the revelation of God, do we accept God as our refuge and strength?
In the Holy Eucharist we receive, do we accept the fact that it is God we receive?
If you believe that Jesus is like us in everything but sin, do you now believe that God understands us more than we can ever imagine?
Jesus' presence is God's presence, so if you hold unto Jesus, you hold unto God, but whoever rejects Jesus rejects God.
Finally, remember that you are called by your words and your words are called by your name. I believe this will clear any doubt that Jesus is called God because He is God being the Word of God.
More so, the Incarnation of Jesus is the dignification of Humanity and it brings to our awareness that human life is sacred before the Lord.
The incarnation is God in Man and Man in God. It is a mystery beyond human comprehension.
*Peace ✌️ be with you.*
*Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.*