Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Weekday (14)
First Reading. Genesis 41: 55-57; 42: 5-7, 17-24
Psalm 33: 2-3, 10-11, 18-19 (R. 22)
Gospel. Matthew 10: 1:7
Good people discuss while bad people gossip.
Do you know that those who are making efforts to be good always think good of others, while those who are making speedy efforts to be bad always think bad of others?
Good people are positive-minded, while bad people are negative-minded.
The good people think and speak good of others, while the bad people think and speak ill of others.
So, judge and score yourself.
Remember, you can not deceive anybody except yourself.
My dear, don't be afraid to tell yourself the hard truth and make amend.
In all of these, the bigger picture in question form is, HOW DO YOU SEE YOURSELF, AND HOW DO YOU THINK OTHERS SEE YOU?
It will be good to know that God who created each one of us, created us for a purpose, and that purpose must be fulfilled in our lives.
Nobody is responsible for your life except you.
Permit me to state categorically that...
-You are the owner of your life
-You become what you decide to make out of your life
-No one is responsible for your life but you
-You are the architect of your life, every other person around you is just a labourer assisting you to build your life, just as you do to others.
Therefore, it depends if you want people around you to either destroy or make you.
It is good for you to know that God has not left you for once, and he will never leave nor abandon you, list as He never left the Israelites.
Ask yourself the following questions...
-If people reject me, should I reject myself?
-If people say I am useless, should I also tell myself that I am useless?
-If people betray me, should I betray myself again?
-If people should lie to me, must I lie to myself?
My dear, we can keep asking questions till infinity, the fact is that, if you follow all the negative things people say about you, you will become miserable. Even if God wants to lift you because you feel dejected, rejected, abandoned, and frustrated, it may be difficult to cooperate with God for you to rise. The reason for not recognizing the presence of God at that moment is that a person in such a situation has already lost hope of existence, and anyone who loses hope of existence becomes negative-minded. A person who is not open-minded, but has a negative mind is overwhelmed by depression, and it becomes worse if such never sees anything good in him or herself. Hence, such a person is proven to be prone to the sin of presumption, suicide, murder, low self-esteem, judgemental, etc.
However, if a person is open-minded, the grace of God becomes active, hence God will catapult such to a greater height.
My dear, in all, let God be the centre of your life and you will see yourself striving towards holiness, and your thoughts would be more positive than negative.
I will like to conclude with today's first reading from the book of Genesis, assuming Joseph felt depressed, dejected, felt self+pitied because he was sold into slavery, will today be raised to the position of prime minister in Egypt and his brothers end up fulfilling his dream.
His brother looked down on him, but he never looked down on himself. Learn from Joseph.
Are you willing to learn from Joseph?
Drop your comment, and let us know.
Peace ✌️ be with you
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.