Sunday, June 4, 2023
Psalm Daniel 3: 29-34 (R. cf. 29b)
Second reading. 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13
Gospel. Matthew John John 3:16-18
***God is three in one and one in three. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. (God, His Word, His Breath)It will
***Man created as three in one. (Man, his word, his breath).
God created Man in his image and likeness, and to be in the image and likeness of God is to have similarities.
Therefore, let us examine alongside the Trinitarian God and Man in the image of the Trinity God.
God as a person: Man is a person
God as the word: Man has a word
God as breath: Man has a breath
Now, God as a person who has both Word and Breath is Divine, His Word and Breath are as active as He (God) is, and this qualifies both His Word and His Breath to be called God. (God's Word, God's Breath)
Likewise, Man as a person has both word and breath; however, man's word and breath are not as active as the man in person, unlike the Divine God whose Word and Breath are active, though both word and breath of a man are attributed to the name the man is called.
Furthermore, God's Word is the second person of the Blessed Trinity- Jesus Christ; He took flesh to become Man.
However, Man's word cannot become another man but only act according to the dictates of the Man.
Although the sound of a man's word is called by the name of the person who produce the sound. For instance, I am Segun, whenever I open my mouth to speak, the sound of the voice from my mouth is my word, and it can never be regarded as Solomon's word, rather it will be called by my name, Segun.
This is the reason we say Jesus who is the Word of God is God who has been with the Father before time began. Cf. John. 1: 1.
This same Word took flesh to become Man. Cf. John 1: 14
This made the Word of God which took flesh becomes Active, while the Word of man can not and will never become flesh, so it is not active in the context of the foregoing analysis.
More so, the Breath of God is the third person of the Blessed Trinity-Holy Spirit which is also active as God, and it continues to operate in the world, while the breath of a man is also known as the breath of the person whose own it is.
An instance, if Kelvin should breathe, they will not say it's Thomas' breath, rather it will be known as Kelvin's breath.
It is a fact that what keeps man alive is his breath, let the breath be taken away, and man ceases to exist. Still, God made it possible for the word and breath of man to act as one, such that, if a man should speak, breath must follow it.
Helloooooooo, are you with me?
Please, let us try a little exercise for us to understand better how the Trinitarian God operates, and how similar we human beings operate.
Now, place your palm a little close to your mouth a say, PRAISE THE LORD. What do you experience? 😆 😆 😆
Are you surprised that you felt a heavy breath on your palm as you say, PRAISE THE LORD?
My dear, please 🙏 🙏 🙏, I beg of you, just try the above little exercise, before you read further, you will understand my analysis better
The above analysis is to explain the mystery of how God the Father begets eternally the Son, and how the Holy Spirit, proceeds eternally from the Father and the Son; just as your breath proceeded from you through your word, based on the exercise you just carried out.
This is also to let you know that your word and breath always go together, just as Jesus the word of God, and the Holy Spirit were always together.
Jesus said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. Cf. Luke 4: 18; Isaiah 61: 1. Hence, He (Jesus) breathed the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. Cf. St. John 20: 22
Furthermore, the Trinity is Love. The Love of God the Father is equal to that of God the Son and the Holy Spirit. More reason He instructed the Apostles to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It means the baptized person is immersed in Trinitarian Love.
I suppose with the above analysis of the individual having three (3) components as a person; that is, "the person, his word, his breath" in the image and likeness of God whose Word and Breath are equal and active.
In summary, as an individual in society, we exist in the image and likeness of the Blessed Trinity; so we ought to emulate the Blessed Trinity which is bounded in love.
We should love and also be bounded in love with one another. More reason God sent Jesus into the world out of His love for us.
Peace ✌️ be with you.
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.