Fourth Sunday of Lent (A)
First Reading. 1 Samuel 16:1, 6-7, 1 0- 13
Psalm. 23: 1-6 (R. 1)
Second Reading. Ephesians 5: 8-14
Gospel. John 9: 1-41
Light and Truth are one inseparable entity because God is Light and Truth.
Truth is the bright Light of the future
God is Truth and Light
No one can see the Light without being Truthful
One needs to become the Truth in other to become the shining Light.
Invariably, one needs to become God to see God
That is, only a Truthful Light person can see a Truthful Light, God.
Light is Truth, and Truth is Light.
Light promotes, and Truth Vindicates
Light paves way for Truth to excel.
Where Light exists, there, Truth abounds.
It is good to note that...
Truth is Light, while Lie is darkness
Truth reveals what Lies hide
Truth rejoices in Light, while Lies are saddened in darkness
Light brightens the future with hope, while darkness clouded the future with despair.
God who is Light has His ways different from the ways of man.
God sees the heart which contains the Truth, while man sees the face which may be deceptive.
This was the case with Samuel in today's first reading. He was to anoint the king from the stock of Jesse.
Samuel was keen about the physical appearance of man, while God was concerned about the heart.
The heart contains the truth, while the face does not reveal the truth.
Meanwhile, from antiquity, the Truthful Light God created man in the image of His Truthful Light nature, but man out of disobedience prefers lies and darkness.
At the appointed time, God sent Son who is Truth and Light into the world, and St Paul in his admonition said...
"Once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good, right, and true), take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. When anything is exposed to light it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light.”
The exclamation of awake and arise O sleeper by St Paul was what Jesus demonstrated in today's Gospel.
The man born blind from birth lived in darkness for many years, and Jesus brought him out of darkness into light by opening his eyes.
Hmmm, Life and its mysteries.
The Jews were sad to see their fellow Jews seeing the light after being in the dark for years.
They were not concerned that he was no longer blind that he can see.
They never rejoice with him, rather was concerned about the person who healed him.
Is this not wickedness?
The same situation is common among us today.
Some people are always, glad, rejoicing, and comfortable that some of their family members, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances, are in bad critical situations in life.
They are not ready to help or to assist, yet when other persons assist their suffering families and friends to overcome their difficulties, they get worried and become angry.
Then, you will hear them rationalizing and quoting laws to justify their unhappiness, just as the Jews were criticizing Jesus for healing on Sabbath day.
Na wa ooo, why can't they rejoice that the blind can see, rather than wanting to crucify Jesus who performed the miracle?
No wonder we have some people that may not be happy when God heals you, bless you, promote you, uplift you, or bless any members of your family, or friends.
The most frequent question will be...
How manage?
How come?
How did you do it? etc.
Such people queried the God who performs the miracle in your life and did not rejoice with you.
Such are the people who live in darkness and refuse to embrace the light of Christ.
Please, be warned, do not be among those who are sad when others are blessed. It shows you are darkness and not light.
To such people, we keep praying that the Truthful Light of Christ will be shown upon them to become another light of Christ to the nation, and not an agent of darkness.
Today, become the TRUTHFUL LIGHT to our world.
Peace ✌️ be with you.
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.