Tuesday, January 31, 2023
First Reading. Hebrews 12: 1-4
Psalm. 22: 26-28; 30-32 (R. see 27b)
Gospel. Mark 5: 21-43
Life and her mystery.
Do you know that...
Believe is Faith, and Faith is Believe.
To believe means to accept without doubt = Trust
Faith according to the simple CCC book, says:
Faith is a supernatural gift of God that enables us to believe without doubt whatever God has revealed.
From the above definition of Faith, it says to believe without doubt,
Invariably, for your Faith to be strong, you need to first believe.
What you believe influences you and what influences you form your belief (faith)
***What you believe is what you trust
***What you trust is where all your mind and heart will be focused on
***What you focused on gradually influences you
***What influences you become your way of life, and your way of life becomes that which influences you.
More so, what influences you bring joy, happiness, succor, consolation, a relaxed mind, and healing.
So, from the explanations above, one could summarily say that...
Faith is absolute trust and absolute trust is total abandonment
These were the expressions of the hemorrhaging woman that touched the cloak of Jesus and was healed instantly.
Similarly, one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name came to Jesus that her daughter was ill and at the point of death, and the daughter eventually died before Jesus could get there. Yet, the master Jesus still went to raise the dead girl alive.
Now, considering these two figures in today's Gospel, we discovered that what brought them healing is Faith.
The hemorrhaging woman and Jairus had absolute trust in Jesus that He can heal
Therefore, as you serve God and His Church, is your faith as strong as the hemorrhaging woman in your life's situations, or like Jairus to have faith for the healing of your parents, children, siblings, family members, and friends?
In summary, let there be No traces of doubt in exercising our faith in God.
Today, we celebrate Don John Bosco, a lover of children, who brought out the best in the children who came to him. John Bosco believed in those children, he had faith in them, and his absolute trust in those children influenced them to become great.
May St. John Bosco continue to intercede for us all, especially the abandoned and street children.
Peace ✌️ be with you.
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.