
Showing posts from January, 2023


Wednesday, February 1, 2023 Office: Psalter Week 4 First Reading.  Hebrews 12: 4-7, 11-15 Psalm. 103: I -2, 13-14, 17-18(R. 17ab) Gospel. Mark 6: 1-6 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION GOD DISCIPLINES THOSE WHOM HE LOVES  Life is what it is. No one can neither add nor subtract. What is constant in life is change Still, it is mostly a renewed and improved change. No change is new, cf. Ecclesiastes 1:9 Hence, humanity lives with knowledge filled with experience within the existence of this change. Similarly, we all know that life is a stage. A stage as a newborn baby A stage as a toddler A stage as a youth A stage as a young adult A stage as an adult A stage of old age (death) As we can see that no single person can jump any stage of life All stages of life MUST be experienced holistically and chronologically Our life progresses from the experience of one stage to another. Invariably, every stage of our growth and development must be fully experienced. It is good to no...


Tuesday, January 31, 2023 JOHN BOSCO, F. (MEMORIAL) First Reading.  Hebrews 12: 1-4 Psalm. 22: 26-28; 30-32 (R. see 27b) Gospel.  Mark 5: 21-43 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION FAITH IS HEALING Life and her mystery. Do you know that... Believe is Faith, and Faith is Believe. To believe means to accept without doubt = Trust Faith according to the simple CCC book, says: Faith is a supernatural gift of God that enables us to believe without doubt whatever God has revealed. From the above definition of Faith,  it says to believe without doubt, Invariably, for your Faith to be strong, you need to first believe. Therefore... What you believe influences you and what influences you form your belief (faith) So... ***What you believe is what you trust ***What you trust is where all your mind and heart will be focused on ***What you focused on gradually influences you ***What influences you become your way of life, and your way of life becomes that which influences you. Mor...


 Sunday, January 29, 2023 FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR A  First Reading.  Zephaniah 2: 3; 3: 12-13 Psalm. 146: 5-10 (R. Matthew 5:3) Second Reading. 1 Corinthians 1: 26-31 Gospel. Matthew 5: 1-12 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  POVERTY IS WEALTH IN DISGUISE  First and foremost, I will like to let you know that God is wealthy, while humanity is poor.  So, all are poor in as much we always need each other to survive in life, because no one has it all, except God.  #First Logic If humanity is poor and God is wealthy,  Humanity is created in the image and likeness of God who is wealthy.  Therefore, poor humanity is richly wealthy in the image of the wealthy God #Second Logic  If humanity is poor, and the Son of God is wealthy The Son of God (Jesus) who is wealthy took poor human flesh  Therefore, humanity became wealthy in its poverty state.  The scripture says: "... Jesus Christ, though was rich, yet for our sake, He became poor so that by His...


Friday, January 27, 2023 ST ANGELA MERICI, V. (Opt. Mem.) First Reading. Hebrews 10: 32-39 Psalm. 37: 3-6, 23-24, 39-40 (R. 39a) Gospel.  Mark 4: 26-34 TOPIC FOR RE FLECTION ENDURING TRIBULATIONS FOR THE SAKE OF CHRIST. My dear, being a Christian is a cross of its own. The first reading today from the letter to the Hebrews stated clearly what the Christians undergo for the sake of Christ. The author reminded us to recall the former days when, after we were enlightened from our dark ignorance, especially our conversion to Christianity; we endured a hard struggle with suffering, sometimes being publicly exposed to abuse and affliction, and sometimes being partners with those who are treated badly, just as Christians are undergoing persecutions in some notable countries like Nigeria. In such countries, the life of Christians is constantly in danger, especially the Catholic priests. However, despite all of these, we do have compassion for the prisoners, and we joyfully accept...


Wednesday, January 25, 2023 CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL (FEAST) First Reading.  Acts 22: 3-16 or 9: 1-22 Psalm. 117: 1, 2(R Mark 16: 15). Gospel. Mark 16: 15- 18 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION ANYBODY CAN BE CONVERTED We are all God's children, and all of us are important in the sight of God. So, who is that person you think is a criminal in this world that can not be converted? Remember that we are all unique individuals, and we have different roles to play in life. You never can tell what God has in stock for the person you are condemning. My dear, please let us be careful not to act like... 1. God's personal assistance (God's P A) 2. Assistant to Jesus on special issues 😆, as if Christianity is Government's ministry. 3. Holy Spirit's General controller 4. God's judgemental advocate What we should be aware of is that in most cases, those whom we already conclude can never be good persons/Christians, are those who may be converted and become the greatest in s...


 TUESDAY 24, 2023 Week 3 in Ordinary Time FRANCIS DE SALES, B.D. MEMORIAL (1567 - 1622) First Reading.  Hebrews 10: 1-10 Psalm. 40: 2, 4, 7-8, 10-11 (R. 8a.9a) Gospel. Mark 3: 31-35 TOPICS FOR REFLECTION  DID JESUS REJECT AND INSULTED MARY?  WHO ARE THE BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF CHRIST?  Most of our separated brothers and sisters often refer to today's Gospel in two ways.  1. That Jesus rejected and insulted Mary His mother which was the reason for them not honoring Mary.  2. That for the fact that the bible said that Jesus' brothers and sisters are waiting for Him signifies that Mary has other children apart from Jesus.    My dear, I will like to react to the above duo questions posited as our topic for reflections.  In the first place, what we need to know and understand is that Jesus neither rejected nor insulted His mother, rather He systematically promoted her.  What Jesus tried to emphasize is that anyone who does the will of my...


 Monday, January 23, 2023 Office: Psalter Week 3 First Reading.  Hebrews 9: 15, 24-28 Psalm. 98: 1, 2-6 Gospel.  Mark 3: 22-30 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  JESUS IS ALL IN ALL Jesus Christ is the mediator of a new covenant. He died to redeem us from our sins, and those who follow Him faithfully will inherit the kingdom of God.  Jesus offered Himself as a sacrificial lamb once and for all, and does not need to repeat it. Hence, the sacrifice became a gateway heaven.  Remember, Christ is the firstborn from the dead. Cf. Colossians 1: 8 and the first to enter Heaven, John 3: 13 So, Christ entered heaven and appeared before God on our behalf, and that gave us access to enter Heaven.  Therefore, His second coming is to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him. The Gospel acclamation taken from 2 Timothy 1: 10 says: Our Saviour Christ Jesus abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.  However,  though Jesus came to save...


Sunday, January 22, 2023 THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR (A) THE ENTHRONEMENT OF THE BIBLE First Reading. Isaiah 9: 1-4 Psalm.  27: 1, 4, I3-14 (R. 1a) Second Reading. 1 Corinthians 1: 10-13, 17 Gospel. Matthew 4: 12-23 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  JESUS CALLS US FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT.  God created light and not darkness.  He created light because He is light and not darkness  He went further to create small lights like Himself- man. Cf. John 10: 34 However, the man who suppose to be a light like God suddenly turned dark, what an irony!  More reason, God sent His only begotten Son who is also light. Recalling the phrase from the Nicean Creed, it says... God from God; Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten not made.  So, it is this Light (Jesus) that proceeds from the Father that has come to brighten our dark minds, hearts, and world.  Jesus the light of the world is calling you and me from our dark world into eternal light.  However, some ac...


 FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 BLESSED CYPRIAN M. I. TANSI (FEAST) First Reading.  Philippians 2: 1-11 Psalm. Isaiah 12: 2-6 (R. 1de) Gospel. Matthew 13: 44-46 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  BLESSED TANSI: THE HEAVEN'S TREASURE  (This history is copied from an online Catholic Missal @ Peter Ihaza) BLESSED CYPRIAN M.I TANSI: Father Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi was born in Nigeria in 1903. He was brought up by the missionaries and trained as a teacher and a catechist. Later he decided to join the seminary and in 1937 he was ordained a priest. In 1950 he left his Diocese to go to England where he joined the Cistercian Abbey of Mount St Bernard. He had been singled out as the ideal candidate to be trained in England and then return to establish a Trappist Monastery in the Diocese of Onitsha in Nigeria.  Fr. Tansi lived a monastic life with great faith and humility. Absorbed in prayer, he was a living example of patience and charity. Early in 1964 he was diagnosed with an aortic ane...


 Wednesday, January 18, 2023 Office: Psalter Week 2. First Reading.  Hebrews 7: 1-3, 15-17 Psalm. 110: 1-4 (R. 4cd) Gospel. Mark 3: 1-6 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION ENVY AND JEALOUSY: THE ROAD TO DESTRUCTION  😆 😆 😆 Hellooooooo... Please, are you aware that some people are eagerly and happily rushing to embrace their destruction? Are you aware that there are so many people who love to celebrate their destruction all the days of their lives? Anybody who eats jealousy as food, and drinks envy as water is having a destructive body and soul. Let me bring to your awareness that those who are jealous and envious of you would always find fault in every word you speak and the action you carry out. Below are some of their fault-finding comments: No matter your sleeping position, they will find fault  No matter how you wake up, they will find fault No matter how you greet them, they will find fault No matter how you relate, they will fault it No matter how you eat and drink, they wi...


  TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2023. ST ANTHONY, Abb. (MEMORIAL) First Reading. Hebrews 6: 10-20 Psalm. 111: 1-2, 4-5, 9 and 10 (R. 5b) Gospel. Mark 2: 23-28 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  LAW AND COVENANT  😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 I laugh in the Spanish language.  There is a chorus song that goes thus:  He (God) has promise, He will never fail. I will follow, I will follow Him  He has promised He will never fail,  His faithfulness is forevermore. (2ce) Now, analyze the song theologically, below are the implications of the above songs.  1. I will follow God because of His promise; ask yourself, is that true love?  ***If someone promises to love you because of the promise you make, can you say such a person truly loves you?  2. If you follow God because He is faithful to His words; now, are you faithful to God in return as a sign of love for Him?  ***Imagine somebody loving you because you are faithful, but the person remains unfaithful to you, will you say th...


 MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2023 Office: Psalter Week 2 First Reading. Hebrews 5: 1-10 Psalm. 110: 1-4 (R. 4cd) Gospel. Mark 2: 18-22 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  A PRIEST IS NOT A SAINT, BUT A WEAK PERSON LIKE YOU.  A priest is not an angel, but a human being who like you occupies the divine office of Jesus.  But, if I may ask...  How do you see a priest?  What is your conception of a priest?  Do you see a priest as an impeccable angel?  Do you see a priest as a person who can neither urinate nor defecate?  Well, do you know that a priest is a human being like you?  No one is born a priest, rather all are born human like you.  If you are weak, a priest is also weak.  If you are strong, a priest is also strong.  If you react, a priest also react  If you are moody, a priest can also be moody.  In short, what you experience as human beings, a priest also experiences.  Remember that John whom you knew as your best childhood ...


 Sunday, January 15, 2023. SECOND SUNDAY OF THE ORDINARY TIME YEAR A  First Reading.  Isaiah 49: 3, 5-6 Psalm. 40: 2, 4, 7-10 (R. 8a. 9a) Second Reading. 1 Corinthians 1: 1-3 Gospel. John 1: 29-34 TOPIC FOR REFLECTION  JESUS, THE LAMB OF GOD: THE THEOLOGICAL IMPLICATION.  Excuse me please, just a minute...  Has anyone called you an animal before?  If yes, what was your reaction?  Again I ask, has anyone specifically called you by the name of an animal such as calling you a monkey, goat,  sheep, dog, snake, etc?  If yes, how do you feel being called such names?  Similarly, hope you are aware that God is called by an animal's name. The Lamb.  So, what do you expect His reaction to be?  Anyway, in such a situation, let's assume you feel insulted to be called by the name of an animal, what or how do you expect God to feel?  Should God feel insulted?  In that case, why was Jesus called the Lamb?  Was it a situati...