Sunday, September 03, 2023
22nd Sunday
First Reading. Jeremiah 20: 7-9
Psalm. 63: 2-6, 8—9 (R. cf.2ab)
Second Reading. Romans 12: 1-2
Gospel. Matthew 16: 21-27
My lovely sweetheart, Happy Sunday.
My dear, please do not allow the devil to use you against your brothers and sisters, he will only use you and dump you. Yet, the same devil will still stand against you before God to accuse you. Cf. Rev. 12: 10
Do you know that nature exists in us, and we exist inside nature? More reason it is often said, by nature, a man's characteristics are different from a woman's characteristics.
Similarly, are you aware that nature does not know your religion, neither does it know your name?
Nature does its work without favouritism. More reason we say that no one can cheat nature.
As you lay your bed, so you lay on it.
More so, since I became of age, it has never, and neither will it happen that nature will separate Christians from non-Christians, irrespective of any person's religion, it treats everybody equally.
Invariably, nature is arranged such that every individual has his time and season, those times and seasons are undeniable.
Now, let us reason together.
Life is full of pains and sorrows; joy and happiness.
I guess everybody in this world is treated equally by nature. Inequalities treatments are all man-made.
Everybody cries and everybody laughs
Everybody faces hardship and no one is exempted.
Everybody experiences rain and sun, good and bad times, painful and joyful moments, suppression and oppression, etc.
This simply means that suffering is part of life, just as Joy is part of life, that is, you suffer today and enjoy tomorrow or you enjoy today and suffer tomorrow.
However, the very moment one decides to follow Jesus, one should be ready to suffer severely here on earth, to deny oneself of many pleasures, but for those who will persevere to the end, Heaven will become the reward.
Do you know why, the devil who from inception hates Jesus will turn people who are for him against those who are for Jesus?
God arranged nature such that, everybody would enjoy the fruits of the earth, but the devil came and planted the seed of greed, and hatred in the heart of man, and those who allow it to grow and germinate turned against those who do not allow the devil's seed to grow and germinate in them.
This is the reason who do cry out, man's inhumanity to man. The devil is dangerous, it turned us against ourselves.
This was the experience of Jeremiah in today's first reading, he lamented the pains and mockery he experienced in serving the Lord, yet his heart was restless if he did not preach about God. No wonder St Augustine said, our hearts are restless until they rest in God.
Many of us are like Jeremiah, we want to work for God but find it difficult to deny ourselves, to deny the world and its empty promises, to withstand how people mock us, and to sacrifice our pleasure. These are the factors that draw many of us back from following Christ.
More reason in today's Gospel, Jesus made it clear that whoever wishes to follow Him must deny him/herself, carry his/her cross and follow Him.
I will conclude with the second reading from the letter to the Romans which says:
I appeal to you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Finally, know that nature is not heartless, remember that we are natural, while God is supernatural; invariably, one thing is common, NATURE.
So, it is the devil who promotes those who are its own, they gain the whole world, and use them against their fellow man.
Jesus assured us today not to envy those who gained the whole world, and that He will reward those who remain faithful to Him.
Those who deny themselves of suffering in this world through the crook means to get wealth and power will meet their natural suffering after death, but those who suffer unjustly will enjoy heaven after death.
He who has an ear, let him/her hear what the scripture is saying.
Peace ✌️ be with you.
Rev. Fr. Segun Oladeji, CRS.