In the beginning, God created heaven and earth and all that exists in it, including human being
He created my dad and my mum, and He brought them together to become one
Therefore, my dad and my mum in the nuptial union 

I was born as a product of love which exists between my parents and no one else but me
I grow up to know that I am ME and not others, am not even any of my siblings but ME in ME which qualifies ME to be ME
Therefore, I exist as ME who is a person, and not as others

Since I exist as a person, it is I and not others
What I am is what I am, and not what others think I am
Therefore, I am who I am, and not what others are

Since I am who I am, and not others
Then, what I eat nourishes and becomes part of me, and not others
Therefore, I eat for myself, and not for others 

If eating enhances my growth, the growth is mine and not others
Since the growth is mine and not others
Therefore, the growth determines what I become and not others

What I become makes and defines me, and not others
Hence, society (others) treats me as I present myself and not how I want them to treat me
Therefore, I am responsible for my personality

If my personality is good and welcoming, others will respect me
If, however, my personality is bad and disgusting, others will have no regard for me, rather I become the fool they glory in fooling
Therefore, I receive in return the result of my actions

If I act without sense and I am being ridiculed, it is my problem and not others
But if I act responsibly, and others respect me, the glory is mine and not others
Therefore, my attitude determines the response from others

Many times, we fix ourselves in a miserable condition that it may be difficult to come out of. Shammi Sukh in his famous book “EGO: The Worst Enemy and the Best Friend” pointed out some of the following, which I guess might be helpful.

No one can make you inferior without your consent
My explanation
It is the way you present yourself that people will see you, you can’t present yourself to be black, and expect people to see you as white. You are the master of your life; the condition, at which you fix yourself, is the condition you will be because you have the freedom to reject being humiliated with your attitude and sense of good self-esteem.
Many people go insane when denied the feeling of importance
My explanation
It is better to set a moderate standard for oneself and never to expect much from others, else we get worried and frustrated if the standard is not met. It is good to prepare for the worst, and when it comes, one will not be disappointed. Try to see yourself as being equal with others without losing any sense of dignity and responsibility. Finally, never attach important meaning to words; they are just flying wind that has no hand to grab one. 

You cannot raise your worth, by lowering that of others
My explanation
You cannot expect people to whom you destroyed the image of others to have regard and respect for you. Such brings your self-worth to nothing but zero before them.

Self-esteem is the seat of self-motivation, and self-motivation is the success of unlimited success
My explanation
The ability to accept who you are and not shifting the blame of your condition to others is self-esteem, and encouraging yourself never to give up no matter the condition is self-motivation, and this is the solid root foundation of success in life

Low self-esteem is the major cause of unhappiness
My explanation
The major causes of unhappiness are if you feel others are better than you in every aspect of life, you feel you are the most unlucky person in life, you allow people to intimidate you, and all these are centered on setting one’s mind and goal on materialistic things of life. Mr. A has a car, and I don’t have, so where lies my joy, as if the car is the ultimate joy of life. This is the beginning of sorrow and pain, hence one becomes unhappy, and low self-esteem begins.
Jealousy and unhealthy envies are the roots of self-esteem 

It is better to be envied than being pitied
My explanation
Let us try to aim at raising our head high in any condition we find ourselves, do your best to bring out the best in you, and not the worst. It is more profitable for you if people envy you because you are doing greatly well, than being pitied for being a failure, hence you will always be the topic of ridicule, humiliation, gossiping, slandering, etc. 
It is good for people to celebrate your achievement in life than telling you ‘sorry’.

Finally, we should learn to accept our condition is life, because either we like it or not our condition is ours and not others.
We should know that there is no human being on earth without his or her own problem, the ability to accept and not shift it to others makes a matured person. 
The good news is working hard to turn the bad condition into good.

Thanks, God bless you as you reflect and see meaning to what you read.
Segun Oladeji Cares.

Please kindly drop your comments, reaction, questions in the comment box.
It will be attended to accordingly.

I shall remain grateful if you can share and follow me up.


Unknown said…
Good reflection.
This calls for authentic existence, and living beyond the societal barriers.

Good one, dear Rev!
Segun said…
Thanks, I appreciate immensely
Godwin, MSP said…
My condition is mine but doesn’t mean it cannot be changed if I decide to... the power of decision making. Great insight of the self to feel esteemed, motivate the self and ultimately, attain success in life to the glory of God and the honor of the self. Well done, Sir!
Segun said…
Thanks a lot, Padre Godwin for your insight. Of the truth of choice to remain in our situation lies solely in our hands. We have the choice to make either fail or succeed in life. I appreciate your comments. God Bless you and your ministry.

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